Chapter 28

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Carol's *POV*

Sleep came easily as soon as my head hit the pillow and Dreams came rushing like uprising storm. It was vivid and blur at the same time. So many things and so many people appearing and vanishing.

An image of my parents happily sailing in the east coast and Mia telling me stories as she balmed my bruises and soothed my wounding heart. A young mirage of two  girls, (Me and Macy) building sand castles and giggling. Aidan came out of a dive and said something us making both laugh harder as I tried to hid my blushing cheeks. He dug the ground with his wet hands and  started building a fence for the castle.

Then suddenly the clouds changed and winds blew inviting a lashing rain. But it wasn't the rain that made me numb, but the figure appearing from the dark. There was no longer any murmur-no laughter -No sound...or maybe my head was going into concussion from the mere shock of knowing that figure's moves and skin so well.

He was coming forward towards me and with every next step a part of my castle was going down into dust. I think I heard Macy screaming..

Run...Carol... Lets run...

But my body was too heavy to move. I saw his eyes first and that sly  grin which showed the power and potential to destroy me and the life growing inside.  I wanted to retreat back in the water, not wanting him to touch me or my baby ever again but his hand was already coming to my throat, like claws curled for the prey.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes, not wanting too see his face during my last breath. But even as the darkness started to blur my vision my heart rattled in my chest and the scream died in my throat.

I didn't wake up screaming but felt the lump in my throat. Sweating and panting for breath, I tried to swallow some water with my unsteady hands. I got out of the bed,  trying not to disturb Macy and walked to the balcony for some fresh air.

It was yet dark, but the orange sparkles were seeping through the horizon. It will be morning soon and a new day.

I heard some rattling downstairs and even as I was still on the top I could smell the egg frying. Carefully I closed the door behind me and went down.

I heard his voice before seeing him. It was mild, chirpy and extremely happy singing  Viva la Vida. Almost all opposite emotions which I felt just now. I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes, in an attempt -not to be a subject of concern.

I cleared my throat and tried my best to match his happy tone.

"Good morning!"

If he was startled, he didn't show but I noticed how he cocked his eyebrow and looked back at me.

"Ah! Morning hun. Didn't think you'll be up so early."

" my internal clock is still on!", I decided it was best not to get him worried about my stupid dreams specially when he looked so happy.

"Good! I'll have a beautiful company for breakfast!"

Food! No! My stomach was still not stable to take anything inside but I couldn't think of any plausible excuse to deny without being rude.

So when he set the plates and sat beside me,  I did my best to get  some forkful of the fluffy omelette in my system, draining it down with some tea as the caffeine smell tempted me.

"Are you going for shoot?", I asked as The rain started drizzling. The blooming sun was going under the cloud blanket as water droplets formed fog on the window.

"Not exactly. Thinking of doing some hiking today because I've yet not decided any particular subject to shoot... By the way did you think about me last night?"

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