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Aidan's *POV*

"Lets take her to the A&E..Oh God...We'll have to call the doc...shit..what was his name...Finn...Fack...Flynn..Flynn Maguire! Call him Aidan!....Macy pick up the damn phone!"

Sam was hyperventilating, but I was just too unstable to react I couldn't understand what happened!

One minute we were standing in the line talking-Next minute I looked down to check my phone and suddenly she fell into my arms so limp and helpless.

And now as I am carrying her in my arms, she is unconscious and pale. Her pulse drumming and her heart beating rhythmic.

I didn't have my car nor did my hands were liable enough to drive, So Sam did. I didn't know what was he blabbering or whom was he telling to call me! I did not know any Dr. Flynn Maguire!

"Carol...wake up...I am here...we'll get you to the doctor and you will be all fine...just wake up please!" , I slashed some more water on her face and with her lap on my thigh I caressed her forehead as Sam drove.

He passed me the phone and a familiar voice echoed through the ear piece.

"Aidan are you listening to me?? Hellooo? Where are you? What's wrong with Carol? Aidan for heavens sake-SPEAK!!!! I can hear you breathing Hallllooooo?"

"Hello", I managed finally as Macy cursed me and sighed in relief.

"Okay brother... Listen to me and just reply fast and short!"


"Are you driving?"


"Good!Is Carol with you?"


"Is she conscious?"

"No!", I looked down at her face and wiped away the tear from her eyelashes.

"Are you'll taking her to the A&E?"


"Great! Did you call her doctor?"

"Herdoctor?" Why the hell is everyone telling me to call her doctor. I don't know her doctor! I don't know why does she need a doctor in the first place!!

"Yes, Dr.Maguire! Shit...He said everything was fine...."

"What's wrong with her?". Suddenly the realization stuck in my gut and the car stopped at a signal.

"Oh Gawwd! Aidan I am coming just hold on...and I'll call Maguire... cya ASAP..Take care of her...", with that the line went dead and my question was unanswered.

"Aidan check her pulse. We are just about to reach."

Her eyes opened in a blink as she kept blabbering. ' us'

Sam was driving fast but suddenly the rain started to splash in truffles and I could see the road getting blur.

"Damn what a timing! Shit! Did you call Dr.Maguire?"


"Her doctor?"

"No, Macy said she's calling...". The signal turned green and Sam geared the engine high as we crossed the bridge and turned the car inside the A&E parking.

I gathered her in my arms and rushed inside trying to keep her dry. Inside was warm and humid but the rain seeped through my shoes and my hands were wet and cold as I laid her on the stretcher and saw her fragile glimpse as the doctor closed the door on my face and took her in for check up.

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