🌀Gotham here you go🌀

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"Dad not you too!" You groaned as Oliver started to take pictures of you while loading your luggage at the trunk.

"Come on Sweetie, It's not like you been moving away from your pops with such distance" He acted wiping a tear and took another pic.

"Alright my little cupcake, Got your Credit card?" Here we go again. You took out your Card from your phone case to show him you got it.

"Your Charger? Your Laptop? Your quiver? Your bow? Your extra keys to my house? Oka-- wait our picture!"

"Dad? Dad? Dad!" You yelled to the third time you called him. He came back with a frame in hand, he handed it to you.

It was the picture you treasure most. Artemis, Roy, You, Oliver, Jade and Koko.

"Ugh! Come on Roy! Give me back my camera!"

"Not til you say who's the greatest archer in the world"

"Okay. It would be Dad! Daaaaaad! Roy's being a prick right now!"

"Ooh come on!"

You smile at the memory you had with Roy. He was being an ass back then.

"Okay Dad. Dick and Barbara might be waiting for me at Gotham so.. I'll try visit on my free time. Don't feed Koko chocolates, grapes, garlic, nuts, onions, walnuts, avocado and gum. No stressing on your work, Don't drink beer while I'm gone. Try play video games on Friday night, eat apple on the morning not coffee, Listen to ambient music to keep you focus also meditate, take regular breaks or go for a walk okay?"

"Woah Woah! Slow down sweetie. It's not like your gonna die or something but as a Good Father, I'll do what I've been told. Especially when it's from my Daughter" He pulled you a hug and you hugged back.

"I'll miss you Riptide" Riptide. Your Vigilante name when you lay a little help to your Father.

"I'll miss you too Dad" He began to sniff as he broke the hug. "N-Now Go. Before I could chase you down. Man, I can't watch!" He wipe a tear and you laughed. Closing your Dark Green Ford Everest, You wave your left hand through the window as you were feets away from where Oliver was standing.

He wave back and you look at the side mirror til you can't see him anymore.

"Gotham City, Here I come"


"Oh! You must be Ms. Y/n Queen! Your father ask my management to settle your apartment and It's ready for your arrival" The Blonde lady said, She wore a pencil skirt and a white blouse. Her hair pulled on a nice ponytail and her thick glasses covered her black eyes.

You nod as she gesture you to follow her by vehicle. For a Manager, she can be a racer. You almost lost her five times but good thing you remembered her plate number.

The neighborhood is nice. Not far from the Mall or the Academy Dick was telling you about and trees. Just as you wanted.

When you saw Gina's car halt. You too followed her actions and got out of the car. You two stood in front of a...

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