Don't you dare!

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"In any circumstance, I'm a better driver than Grayson" Damian commented as he followed Grayson to the Bat Mobile after Tim tracked Y/n's GPS left on her right boot. Damian have never felt so... Worried. Well, except to his nightmares about his Grandfather making him join his Death. Other than that, her absent presence made him worry.

"Still doesn't change the fact that you're driving" Dick replied and smirk at Damian's scowl, The former Robin climbed to the driver seat as Jason climbed to the seat beside his. "Why is this buffoon here?" Robin snarled as he point his thumb back at Jason who glared at the boy.

"If you notice Demon Spawn, Me and your girlfriend known each other for five years and she is nothing but a sister to me that I can always have. If you please just shut up your Hell of a mouth then we can save her from those clowns. Or else it's too late" Red Hood snapped at the boy as he jump to the back seat, they glared at each other with pure hate and anger.

"She is NOT my girlfriend Todd! Just a friend. And please, Joker won't do anything to her until I'm there to save her once and for all" From Damian's remark caused Dick to smile for a reason.

"Not? How about you say 'She is not my girlfriend yet' hmm Demon Spawn? From the looks of it, you like her" Jason bragged with a teasing smikr plastered on his face.

Damian blushed. He could feel the heat on his face and praised that the vehicle was dim or else his brothers will see his cherry hot face. "I do not like Queen! Have not hear me clear or might be you have gone deaf?! She's just a friend!"

"Even at your denying tantrum it is still obvious. I mean, who couldn't possibly like Y/n Bellatrice Queen? She's cool and awesome at everything" Dick began as he input the coordinates Tim tracked on the Mobile's GPS.

"Not to mention drop dead gorgeous and has those nice curves" Jason agreed while reloading his pistols and glance at Damian on the corner of his eyes.

"Guys, Seriously. Y/n is in trouble and your talking about her right now?! Quickly add in thought that she's kidnapped by Joker and Harley!" Tim boasted, interrupting Jason and Dick's conversation about the certain Queen.

"I thought it was only Joker?" Jason asked himself.

"Wherever there's Joker there's Harley. Kindly use your brain for once Todd, there's a reason why we have one" Damian bellowed and rolled his eyes at the Second Robin.

"Who let you out of your cage?"

"Funny. I was going to ask the same thing"

"Okay Enough Guys! You two are acting like children!"

"Todd is acting like one!" "Demon Spawn is acting like one!" The two glared at each other as they snap back at Dick in unison.

"Let's just... Go save Y/n... *sigh* she owe me big time"


Harley passed out as you head butt her. Hard. You held out your hand before a kantana appeared under your grip and cut the chains off of you.

"Your not going anywhere Missy!" You flipped backwards as Joker stared shooting at you. Quickly hiding behind a over thrown metal table, the door was closed by the clown, making you curse. "You know you can't win this Clown! Batman will stop you!" You said trying to get enough time to stall him whatnot. "No offense but what army he has over mine? Bats? You stupid ass Heroes? His shitty Gadgets? Nothing can stop me!" He said as he shoots around like a mad man. Wait. He already is.

"Well, We have brains" You shouted back and a color flare appeared on your hand, "My powers and their uhh ninja like butts" You flick the cover and threw a now smoking red flare at the large room.

"Ha! Ya think this smoke can stop me? You and your toys little girl" He grumbled before you threw a blue one and it hit him on the face.

"Who says I'm stopping you Clown Face?"



"We shouldn't have brought him with us" Damian grumbled as Jason, mindlessly, Smack himself on a metal rod as he just put on his helmet.

"Are you sure Replacement gave us the right location? This place looks like a dump" Jason said as he kicked a can and it hit a tree.


Dick made a annoyed look, Jason gave Dick a smug smile and Damian never felt so relieved. "Guess you found her" Tim said over the ear pierce.

"Right. First, Damian wi-- Damian? Robin? I swear he got his stealth mode from Ra's Al Ghul" Dick grumbled as he saw the familiar cape swished in a window.

Dick and Jason stood there, staring around until they heard a sound of explosion making them climbed to a broken window and crept behind the stacks of crates.

"I hope those two are alright" Dick whispered as he prepared his staff, leaning on the objects they hid.

"You idiot! Why did you come here?! I can handle him all by myself!" You exclaimed as you saw Robin threw hus batarangs at Joker, which he dodged.

"This girl got teamwork issues" Jason said as he pop his head from their hideout  and watch Y/n and Robin in drama. "Is that how you show your gratitude for being saved?" Robin asked, showing a hint of hurt to express his words more. You rolled your eyes at his remark and threw two flares near Joker.

"Do you notice something around Damian when he's with Y/n?" Dick asked as he finally follwed Jason's actions, "You mean when Damian turned to a poetic lover boy Romeo when he meets his hot Juliet? Ow!" Dick gave Jason a look after his brother's statement and punch his shoulder.

"No.. Well maybe but can't you see? Damian is a whole different person when Y/n is around. He barely show emotions and gets all uninterested on things"

"So....  What you mean is"

"Damian has a thing for Y/n"

"And Y/n has a thing for Damian"

"Exactly..... Wait what?" Dick widened his eyes at Jason, staring at him if he was kidding but no. "I thought you'd be smarter than this Dickie. Think about it, Do you see how she smiles whenever Damian attempt to make her? She smiles and laughs differently than she does with the rest of us"

Dick and Jason looked over the two as they worked together to fight Joker. "I'm going to set them up" Jason proposed earning a surprise look from Dick.

"You? Set Y/n Queen and Damian Wayne together? I don't buy it"

"Oh come on! Have a little faith in me D, or maybe.."

"Maybe what?" With those mischievous grin, those two are hard to drag with. The plan is impossible and might be painful due that if Y/n knew this it will end on the deadly way.

"Maybe if I get you, Barbara, Artemis, Roy and Alfred then it will go perfect!"

"Jay that plan is the most craziest thing I've ever heard... I'm in!"

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