Lights, Dance and Action!

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"You don't look bad yourself Queen" A voice made you stiffed from behind as you were looking for your victim.

"And I would like to say that youuuuu.... Are a sight for sore eyes" Your mouth dropped as you saw Damian on a suit, green tie and his hair gel back.

"Why thank you"

"Your welcome" You unconsciously replied as you continue to eye him.

You never thought he have this such handsome side, especially him. He is born and trained to be an assassin yet he do has his father's looks.

"Do you think Barbara and Dick would end up together? Because as far as I know, they are are totally into each other" You broke yourself from staring by asking Damian.

"I have no interest in romance but I surely hope they would be a couple" He answered.

It was silent.. Well, not really because the air was filled with laughter, chatter, shoes and heels clicking against the marble floor and music playing.

You and Damian stood their until Bruce made an entrance speech before you both joined clapping.

"I assume that you feel bored similar to this event" You whispered.

"Trully, yes. Queen. I remember once that I skipped one and he punished me by cleaning the bat mobile. He become strict when it comes to an important event just like tonight"

Your focus turn to the people who started dancing. You watch as Damian took a glance at you.

He wished that you could dress like this every day. So gorgeous and dazzling.

Your hair laid on your left shoulder and Damian couldn't help but admire the view.

"Care to dance?" You gave Damian a shocked look as he held his hand for you and one behind him like a gentleman as he can be.

You only gave him a smile before doing a curtsy. "Why yes. We may" You replied and took his hand. You both marched to the dance floor and he slid his arm to your waist which made you gasped by his touch.

He stared deeply into your eyes as you put a hand to his shoulder and one on his hand.

Your foot and body sync with his when you both danced. Going left, going right.

"I haven't quite thought that you are a nice dancer Wayne" You smirked as he spun you around and now your back facing his.

"Well, Mother didn't teach me how to fight and kill all the time, Father and Pennyworth helped" He has that sly grin on his lips when you spin again to face him.


"Ugh. My feet are killing me" You groaned as you sat on a stone made bench outside. Taking off those killer heels and let the soft grass touch your feet, feeling like your soul was blessed.

"The moon is full" Damian said when he looked up and you followed. The sky was clear and you can see the stars shine with the moon.

"Enjoyed the night?" He asked as you dug your toes on the ground.

"Yeah. But I think Grayson and Barbara are 101 percent happy to enjoy this night" You pressed your index finger to your lips, signalling Damian to be quiet and pointed at Grayson and Barbara. Talking and Laughing as they pass where you and Damian are.

"How did your Father's visit go?"

"Well. Irritating yet I'm happy that he didn't forget to remove a spoon when using a microwave" You both chuckled then notice this side of Damian you didn't seem to exist. Smiling and laughing.

He is serious and quiet at the outer core. He never bonds with his siblings that long. But once hanging out with him can be seeing Big Foot, he is different.

Different from other boys to be fact. Boys these days are addicted in violence, sex and drugs. Some boys must be focusing on their education but Damian, it seem like he's in the middle.

He is trained by League of assassins, Bruce wanted him to finish his education because sooner or later Bruce will be leaving his heir on one of his sons.

Devilish handsome he is made you take a quick glance at him. His tie loosely hanging to his neck, hair Disassembled and turning to his normal hair and what was creepier is when he was already staring at you.



"If I have something on my face it is necessary to say it to me"

"Nothing. You look breath taking tonight" He said and you shivered as the cold wind blew stronger.

You felt a fabric touched your shoulder, you saw it was Damian's jacket. He took out his outer top and handed it to you.

"Thank you"

"Pleasure is mine"

You both look away. Awkward and face red. You started chewing on your lip as Damian stare at the ground.

"Maybe we should go in. The party will be ending half an hour" You said standing up and waited for Damian to get up.

You both made your way to the crowded place and stood on the corner silently. Waiting for the event to finish. 

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