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"I never needed security! That Ol' geezer will have his death if he will step a foot on the manor" Damian grumbled as he punched another vase on his way.

Alfred sigh and cleaned up his mess, "Dick when is Ms Queen coming?" Bruce asked.

"Oh yeah! Kinda think of it. She's coming in... Six minutes"


"Aww come on Dude!" You whined as the Shithead taxi driver doesn't want armed weapons inside his beloved car.

"Sorry Miss but with that... Sword and all. I can't let things like those in my car" You growl at him, glancing at your wrist watch. You only have six minutes left.

You didn't use your car because you were too lazy and because Daddy loves ya and found that you mixed his favorite green shirt with the his red clothes. He confiscated your car..

"Look uh Larry? Okay. I have a job that is more important than this and FYI it's my first day! So are you going to let me in and get the fuckīng cash or so help me, I'm gonna hunt you down til I make your life a living Nightmare?!"


"Atleast greet your bodyguard in person... No, not giving deadly glares Damian.. Just smile abit" Bruce reminded his son and he groaned, sitting straight and stood next to Dick... Maybe a bit far from Dick because he is a Hug-Bug and he hates Hugging.

A taxi came into the Manor and it stopped in front. A door opened and from it, Y/n Queen stood up.

"There. I paid ya pal and it got extra ten bucks so scram!" She kicked the trunk as the car drove.

"Well, that was unexpecting... For anyone perhaps" She said as she awkwardly step in front of Bruce.

"Ah, Ms Queen. What a pleasure to meet you again. I am surprised that you were the one Richard approached" He raised both his brows and glance at Dick then back to you.

"I couldn't leave out a friend Mr Wayne, and a pleasure to see you again" You and Bruce shook hands.

Damian look at her up and down, She is dressed well. He can see she is trained and mature.

"Aren't you a bit too young to do a job? I don't want your father march on my doorstep looking red"

"Nah. He took it easy but the leaving? He never want me to let go"

"What a sweet Dad" Tim whispered to Babs and she nod.

Damian looked at the two and look down. Wish his Father would be like that, showing his feelings.

"Meet Damian Wayne, Damina meet Y/n Queen" Bruce disturbed Damian's thoughts and he got lost on the girl's two pool of E/C and he had this weird thing on his stomach but ignored it.

"So you must be who I'm guarding" You assured and he just stare at you.

"I'll be in my room" He left the adults and his guard standing.

"Number one note, He's grumpy and quiet. What is wrong with him?" You asked loudly and never caring who heard you

"Well he thought that his guard is a Male so and he is not a morning person" Tim answered.



"I can't believe that I am standing here right now... At the Bat Cave! Wow! It's so dark and cold and... Full crazy stuff. Oh! And there's an underground gym!"

"Don't get too excited Y/n, You never know that you might compete with Damian sometime" Dick said as he watched you looked at the Boy Wonder uniform, displayed behind a glass.

"Does he even know I have powers?"

"Uh... No. Not yet" Dick blinked at your question and press something on a panel near the mat covered floor.

"First Impressions last Ms Queen. Surprise us, I'm sure the 'Riptide' still has it in you" Bruce leaned on a metal railing and followed by Alfred and Tim.

"Oh Yeah, You were so awesome back then. With all the swords and weapons!" Dick and Bab continue to cheer.

"It'll do" You chuckled as you saw black figures with canons started to march to you with it's canons glowing dim red practically taking time to fire.

The near three figures were sliced in half, you now holding a sword out of nowhere and use it to shield your head when a red blast came.

You ran around, your sword dissapeared and it was replaced by a katanna. Slicing and cutting off their heads. It was easy to finish them off for you.

Damian Wayne X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now