Volley Polley

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"So we got Physical Education" You remind yourself while you and Damian meet on the halls, walking to the gym wearing your P.E outfit.

"Well, I haven't seen you run on obstacle course"

"Hmm... Being trained by Artemis, Roy, Chesire and Black Canary can't let me down on this subject"      


Boys are handling Javelin on the field while girls were divided on playing Volleyball. Three courts and Six teams.

And clearly, Your team clarified that you should try to be team Captain. You tried to reject it but no, you quickly grabbed that opportunity when you saw Barbie and her two tails on the opposite side of the court.

"I only have three rules for you girls; Don't back down, Sportmanship--- I mean, Sportwomanship and Get your head in the game"

"Now remember! Once your team wins, comes the elimination then you will all be included to the Intramurals then to the Area Meet and so on til the top"

You tied your hair on a (Low or high) ponytail as the Coach spoke, waltzing to your positions and from it.

You have face to face with Barbie here, the white line and net between you.

"Well lookie here, A Queen on the court" She laughed and so is her two grizzle tails.

"Well lookie here, My next victim getting her face smudge by a ball" And you mock her laugh. She narrow her eyes at you when the coach whistled.


"She's lucky the bell rung or else I might spike her face instead of the ball" You grumbled while following Damian at his locker.

"Ease your temper Queen. I don't want my ears destroyed by your outburst" Damian said while putting back his English book.

"So, Any plans for us tonight?" You asked leaning to the locker next to his.

"Patrol. Come on, Alfred's waiting outside" He grabbed you by your bag and you let him since your exhausted by the game. You facing behind while Damian just held a tight grip on your bag, students giving you both weird looks.

"What are they doing?"

"Aww. They look cute together"

"Wasn't that Y/N Queen?"

"I have ears people!" You shouted. Irritated by their gossips and clearly they knew your there.


"How's Damian doing this day?" Bruce asked while you drink a warm choco milk drink made by Alfred.

"He's uh.. Doing fine. No villains or crazy psycho mother coming after him" You shudder at the other one while reporting to the Dark Knight.

He nod and made your way to the bat cave.

Damian Wayne X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now