New School, New Things

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"I'm not deaf you know and as far as you can see, I'm only freaking three feets away from you Al Ghul!"

You glared at him while taking a seat on a table. Dick and Barbara were gone two hours ago, given you one and a half hour tour around the School.

"Whatever. If you need me, I'll be at the canteen. Ignoring your presence for twenty minutes"

"And I'm just going to pretend that you never excisted" You snarled back at him and he scoff. Proceeding to the canteen just like he said.

"Guh. Idiotic assassin. How am I going to protect him if he is just so... Serious and hates feminine kind and unreachable and so damn quiet!" You whispered to yourself while peeling the plastic that covered your burger and took a bite.

Somehow, it was slapped away from your grasp and it landed on the cement. Probably now, bacteria's food for today.

"Hey!" You shout and standing up from your seat, facing whoever did it to you. As you did, you saw three girls standing behind you. One is a blondie with golden bracelets around her wrist and two were black haired girls.

"Oh. I'm sorry... not. I'm going to tell you straightly and clearly newbie. No one. I mean No One will get near my Damian unless its only me loser" She stab her index finger on your shoulder two times and you raise a brow at her.

"Excuse me but I don't understand your slutty idiot language. I'm sorry" The two black haired gasped and Blondie grit her teeth

"How are you to talk to me like that" She sounded demanding...

"Your worst nightmare, once you mess with me. It will cost your life to make me stop" She scoff and roll her eyes.

"And how are you going to do that? Ask your janitor daddy to throw shitty trash at my mansion? Your daddy must work his ass off just to get you to this school but I'm telling you this, get out and leave my Damian alone" They laughed. It was intense. Your blood boiling as Blondie involved your Father in this mess. You didn't notice everyone looking at you and the three.

"Ahahaha(Sarcasm). How hilarious just like your daddy selling newspapers just to give you money buying that bracelets or did your daddy stole it lastnight?"

The laughing died and so the "Ooo" raises. Blondie balled her fist, you smirked at her mouthed her, "Checkmate"

"You.  You bitch!" She almost slapped you but you stopped her by gripping on her wrist and she was shocked by that... Everyone was.

"Physical Assault is forbidden on trash-talking and you should know how to play fair with your opponent Barbie"

"Is something wrong Ms Randall?"

Guessing its the Principal, because some students look away when he appeared and Barbie here, decided to play innocent.

"Oh Mr. Redmoose! Thank heavens your here. I-It's her! She started everything. Me and my friends were just eating and then she started attacking me with painful words!" She pointed at you while you just acted like nothing is happening.

"Is it true Ms---" Mr. Principal raised his brow to give your name.

"Excuse me but everything what Ms Randall said is a lie"

"And what proff do you have?"

"Yeah. What proff?" You sigh and pointed at the security camera that is more like twenty around.

"I haven't seen you before" Principal asked, eyeing you suspiciously.

"I got transfered a week ago. Mr Redmoose"

He thought for a moment before his eyes widened.

"Wait... Your--"

"Yes" You cut him off, preventing him from saying your name.

"M-Miss Queen! I-I trully apologized for this, I-I didn't recognize you, Its really an honor to meet a Queen" You and him shook hands and you nod.

"Wait... Queen? As in Oliver Queen? The rich man and mayor of Star city?!" Barbie add in and you roll your eyes.

"A queen here in Gotham City?"

"I just saw her talking with Richard Grayson and Barbara Gordon a while ago"

"Really? They must have been close friends"

"And Bruce Wayne too! She must be that rich"

"No. Richer and rich"

"Yes and the one you called Janitor. Dads going to be upset when he hears it" You answered, ignoring peoples convo beside you.

Barbie looked nervous and her hands started to shake but then, she had a stern face.

"This isn't the end" Then walked away while Principal was talking to another teacher.

"I just left 6 minutes and you got yourself in trouble?" Damian appeared while he waltz to your side.

"Don't get your mouth function Al Ghul. I can handle things myself"

Damian Wayne X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now