Busy at the moment..s..

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"Man, I ever knew Harley was that hard to handle" You groaned as you cross your legs while the platform under your continue to circle.

The platform that the bat-mobile is supposed to be. Batman and Dick went to the League's HQ to talk about some rough business with some crock water-guy

"You'll get used to it once in a while. How did the patrol go?" Tim asked you as he sip on his coffee, walking to the computers.

"Meh, It went pretty good. Damian. He's really quiet though and pretty sneaky for a Wayne.. But we come along when we took out Joker and Harley" You replied on a 😑 face.

"Ms. Queen your snacks are ready" Alfred said kindly as he entered the cave, holding a tray with your snacks on it.

You immediately got off of the platform and ran to where the english butler is.

"Thank you Alfred" You said taking the tray from him and made your way to the kitchen while eating marshmallows.

You almost dropped the tray when you saw Damian taking a tea on the table, drinking while he was on his phone.

"You weren't called Robin for nothing" You murmured as you set the tray on the table and sat across him. The table keeping you two in between and food to keep your mind away from saying anything awkward.

"Your father is visiting" You blinked at him multiple times, taking seconds to catch up to what he said.

"What?!" You yelled, standing up and getting frustrated.

"Your Father, Oliver. Is visiting. I heard Father talk to him this morning, He'll be visiting you shortly" You sigh and sat back down.

"You know, He is might be preposterous to be as a Father but I can see he love you" Your lips crack to a smile and you sip on your hot chocolate drink.

"You could say that again but to be honest, I hate it when he treats me like a three year old" Damian nods and continue to scroll on his phone.

"Also, Father will soon held this Annual Charity Ball here at the Wayne Manor and he insisted that us should go in pairs"

"Us you mean?"

He blinked and stayed silent multiple times before replying. "Me, Grayson and Drake of course. Todd wouldn't attend because of some rough business he'll taking care of at Central City" He answered honestly but deep inside, he seems a bit nervous because he is willing to ask you something.

"Oh. So I guess Dick will get Babs, Tim to Steph... How about you?" You asked Damian and he looked away from your gaze, pink covered his cheeks and good thing he looked away or else you would see that.

"I-I... Since I don't have any lady friends available yet there is one left" You cock your head to your side and raise a brow who. He exhale heavily before looking at you deeply.

"Would you be delighted to go be my company on Father's Charity Ball?" He asked looking away, swearing that you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Sure" You replied blankly and he gave you an unbelievable look as you continue to drink your chocolate drink.

"Really?" He asked, not believing what you just said.

"Yeah... As a body guard and friend right? My job is too look after you remember?" You said and he frowns but you didn't see because you chug down the chocolate drink. Not expecting the thought he hoped to come out of your lips.

He returned back to his normal self as you yawned. "Besides, I know Barbara won't let me go free once there is a ball or somewhat. I'm not that a socialized person but I will do my job" You yawned again and placed the tray at the sink, turning your back to him as you made your way out.

You heard footsteps followed and you saw the familiar height came beside you.

"In case you might bump into a wall" You chuckled as he made an excuse and he walked you until you are inside your car.

"Good night" You whispered as you closed the car door and he stopped his pace, turning around and gave you a sly smile.

"Good night too, Queen" He said before he jogged inside and closed the large door. Hearing your car engine drive away, he lean back to the door and held his hand over his chest.

'What is this feelin?' He asked himself. Every time you smile at him, he felt this flutter on his heart or the time held your arm just to keep you close.

Or why he unconsciously asked her if she wanted to go to him at the charity ball. He huffed before waltzing to Grayson's room and find some answers about this gibberish feeling.


Friday afternoon is the best time ever, especially for a girl like you.

Also, your father will be visiting. With that thought, you made a 😑 face as you closed your apartment door.

(I am sensing a irritating and bored emotion coming from you Renesmae, is everything alright?)

"Yes. Thank you FIN. I suppose you heard about my father's visit today?"

(Quite so, yes)

"Would you please let him know that if he arrives, tell him I'm at the Wayne Manor" You said before grabbing your jacket and made your way to the manor.

Where you found is very busy at the moment, Alfred was tidying up some crystal chandeliers, Barbara setting some wine glass on the kitchen, Tim mostly at the cave and hacking through any security cameras, Dick was setting some table clothes on round tables for the guests, Bruce on the phone probably about business and lastly, Damian playing with Titus.

Which is not a helpful movement to the Bat Family.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Queen, If you'll excuse me. I have wines to prepare for tomorrow night" Alfred excused himself after he saw you standing there, watching everyone so busy.

"Do please be careful Alfred" You said as he his figure dissapeared.

"Alfred knows what his doing Y/n. So no need to worry" Bruce said as he hang up to his caller and waltz to you.

"Just making sure the old man doesn't get himself injured or something" You shrugged as you heard a glass clashing at the kitchen, followed by a bark.

Bruce's phone rung again and he excuse himself, you sigh.

'He is just like Dad though. Busy and full of phone calls twenty four seven' You thought before marching to the kitchen.

Finding Damian scolding Titus while Alfred was wiping the spilled wine on the floor. 

"You should teach Titus more respect or else Bruce will end him up staying at the cave" You grumbled as you knelt down and pick up the wine shards.

"Be careful Ms. Queen, You should leave it to me before you'll injure your hand" He said while you snort.

"Everyone needs help Alfred, so just let me help you clean"

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