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"Oh no! The Gravity! It's against me again!" Oliver exclaimed dramatically and faked almost fainting. His body towered yours as you tried to push him up to his feet.

"Ugh Dad, Come on! It's noon and you have an important meeting at Madrid! And I have to find something to wear at the ball tonight!" You excused as you push him up and his face smashed to the door, that is closed.

"Wait? Ball? Oh right, The Charity Ball at the Wayne Manor. I expect that you will be with Damian" He asked and wriggle a brow as he smirked a bit. You raise a brow at him in confuscion.

"Uhuh.. As his guard that is" He frowns and you sigh.

"Dad. If it's about me falling an affair to Damian then your wrong. I won't and never fall in love. You know me, I'm happy and independent and it's all I need" You gestured to yourself and he roll his eyes... Like literally.

"I know I know Honey, I was just maybe see a small chance of... You know... Fall your heart on a guy" He sheepishly replied and you gave him a look😏.

"Okay Dad. I have a ball to go and a brat to watch, and you old man.. Neeeed *Push him to his car* to go to your meeting. Or else you'll have to involve me on your excuses" You said as he chuckled and climbed on to his car.

"Alright kiddo alright. But be careful on your job"

"I know"

"Bye sweetie. See you soon" He said before driving off, you wave at him as his car finally dissapeared.


"Don't be such a piss and get out of the room or so help me I'll throw you in a hay of needles!" Barbara insisted as you groaned in reply.

Wearing a blue assymetrical dress, you gripped on the edge of your dress at for being short as ever. It revealed your thighs and gladly you wore shorts beneath. A blue gem ribbon ring, a grey purse that filled in your dagger and blue gem earrings.

You struggled on the grey heels as you walked to Barbara, who been blabbing about not coming out and she gasped as she saw you.

You stick to boots and converses, you tried using heels only at your dad's annual parties what so ever.

"Oh my bats! You are gorgeous! Not gorgeous beyond beauty! Look at you! Boys will surely dig you in" She squealed.

"Barbara, remember, I'm not here to grab boy's hearts. I'm here to guard Damian if he do something stupid" She frown and pout.

"Ooh. Sorry about that. You don't like having in a relationship it's what I remember. After getting you suitors by Oliver, you seem to lose interest on romance and drama"

"And that's why I'm here" You said as you and Barbara began to goof off around while making both of your way to the gala.

People on fancy dresses and suits crowded the place, Alfred serving around, Music playing and finally, Dick was walking behind Barbara and you winked at him.

Moving your leg backward one by one, you gave the two love bird some space and get to your own business.

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