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"Anthony Stark get the hell out of my lab!" Ana yelled to her much older brother. It wasn't as much as a 'lab' but more so where she painted and worked on her art. At one point it was Tony's lab, she just took it over and shooed him off to another.

"I don't need to listen to you, it's older sibling birth right!"

"I have Pepper on sped dial. Come fucking at me." Ana placed her hands on her hips, the look she gave her brother caused him to freeze in his tracks.

"I'm out!" She sighs as Tony backed out of her working space, standing just outside the doorway. "But I came to tell you, your suit is patched up." Ana didn't have the fancy metal suits like her brother, no matter how many prototypes he made for her, but she had a simple one like Natasha Romanoff's. The only difference between the two was the color, Ana's was light grey, and hers had the holsters on the back that held her duel katanas.

"I'm so glad you programmed a robot to sew, because it's so hard." Ana joked as she followed her brother to his lab.

"Hey, next time you can fix it yourself." Tony said as he throws her suit at her. "And I have a surprise for you." Her brother sung the last part, his sole purpose was to grab his sisters attention from an invention of his she was about to break.


"I, stay with me now, designed you a new suit. Made of metal, because that's my thing." Tony said as he pushed a few buttons, suddenly a metal suit walks into the room.


"Before you yell at me, it's just for protection purposes. Like, if I push this button," He holds up his wrist, showing Ana the watch, and presses the aforementioned button. Suddenly, the suit came apart and encased a slightly shocked Ana. "It does that."

"So you're saying at any given point in time you now control if I'm wearing a deadly metal suit?" Ana scoffs, trying to find a way out of her 'surprise'. Her brother already was enough of a control freak.

"Yep. I'm waiting for the next time you bring a guy home." Tony says proudly as he crosses his arms.

"Oh that's just evil." Natasha says as she walks in the room, having heard the conversation.

"Let me be free!" Ana dramatically yells as she drops to her knees, pressing her palms together in front of her. Tony rolls his eyes but reluctantly pushes the same button and the suit releases his sister. Ana turned on her heel before walking out of the room.

"You should be thanking me!" Tony yells to her as she made it to the doorway. She threw a sarcastic smile over her shoulder as she walked forward, slamming into a heavily muscled man.

"Hey, Steven." Ana says as stumbles back on impact. The patriot stood unfazed, slight amusement in his eyes.

"Where are you going so fast?" Steve says as he glances in the room she just came from, curious as to why Tony had a new suit.

"Barton said he wants to see if my reflexes are fast enough. He's gonna shoot at me and I'm gonna block the arrows with my swords." Ana explains with a goofy grin on her face. "Sounds cool, huh?"

"Sounds dangerous." Steve scolds.

"Dangerously cool." Natasha smirks as she comes up behind Ana and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, you old, old, old, man. I got this." Ana says smugly as she pats Steve's shoulder and walks past him. The patriot follows her, completely forgetting what he was going to say to her brother.

"If you don't count the years I was frozen, we're the same age." Steve counters as the two, including Natasha, walk into the training room to be met with Clint inspecting his arrows.

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