What, want me to say I'm a ghost?

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Pietro froze, not sure if he just actually heard her voice or if he was going insane. He then turned on his heel to be met with the girl he had fallen for.

"I'm alive." Ana said causally as she shrugged. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I wouldn't dream of getting rid of you." Pietro finally found his voice. The two were standing a few feet apart and with one step the speedster closed the gap, pulling her in for the tightest hug she had ever gotten.

"I'm gonna head back to the kitchen. Do not forget to call Clint." Steve orders as he leaves the room.

"It's so good to see you." Ana says before pulling Wanda into a hug.

"Thank god you are here." Wanda whispers in her ear, and Ana had a feeling she was talking about Pietro being a wreck.

"How are you here?" Pietro asks, grabbing Ana's shoulders and holding her out so he could look at her. Ana could hear the broken emotion in his voice and see the tears in his eyes.

"Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much-"

"No, I mean- you, you are dead." Pietro says after letting out a breathy chuckle.

"What, want me to say I'm a ghost?" Ana jokes, barely realizing that while they were talking, Ana and Pietro kept taking steps towards each other.

"You two can kiss if you want..." Wanda trailed off as the two turned to look at her. "And I'll leave the room." Wanda closed the door behind her and Pietro wasted no time in cupping Ana's cheeks in his hands and pulling her close to his face. For a moment, the two just scanned the others features.

"This is just like the first time we kissed, but you know, with less dying." Ana joked, completely aware of how close she was to the speedster.

"Less dying is good." Pietro responded, his breath brushing Ana's face. The girl placed a kiss on his nose before back up towards the door, a smirk plastered on her face. "What was that?"

"I'm home and excited to see my friends!" Ana yells before she ran out the door and back to the kitchen where everyone still was, jumping into Steve's arms for another hug. Shortly after Pietro jogs into the room at a normal pace.

"Are you going to give me a real kiss?" The speedster questioned, a playful smirk on his face as he looked at the younger Stark.

"Anyone else wondering how I beat the actual Roadrunner in here?" Ana said as she hugged Wanda again.

"They only let him out of the hospital so soon if he promised not to speed around." Wanda explained, this new information causing Ana to stick her tongue out at the older Maximoff.

"Come here." Ana said before placing a hand on the back of his neck and making his lips meet hers.

"Come on, Banana! You said you wouldn't make out with him in front of me!" Tony yelled and Ana couldn't control the laugh that bubbled out of her, pulling her brother in for another hug. Ana's eyes went wide as she grabbed Tony's phone from him.

"Tony, what now-" Clint picked up after a few rings.

"Clint, it's me."

"Ana?" Clint's voice spoke quietly. "Damn it Ana, I knew you didn't die." Ana could faintly hear Laura on the other line scolding her husband for swearing in front of the kids.

"Is that why I showed up and was told I was a godmother?" Ana teased, letting Pietro grab her hand and place a soft kiss on each of her knuckles.

"Ah man, you're gonna love him." Clint says, excitement clear in his voice. "How's uh- do you have any injuries?"

Stark Contrast :: Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now