The Worst Brother To Exist?

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Days after the battle in Sokovia, Ana spent most of the time in her art lab. Ana stared at the sketch pad that laid in her lap, her drawing seemingly staring back.

She had drawn him, he had been the only thing she could think about. His curls and scruff and piercing blue eyes. It was drawn in pencil, so she hadn't added color yet. Besides, she didn't think there was any shade of blue that could do his eyes justice.

Ana had a smaller sized sketch of his sister, but that was only from Strucker's files they stole. She would need to meet the girl in person before deciding if her first drawing was good. Ana drew sketches of the people she cares for, Wanda had gotten sketched because Pietro cares about her very much.

"Miss Stark, Mr. Stark has wished for me to remind you of tonight's party and he requests you begin to get ready." Jarvis' voice sounds in the room, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Thank you Jarvis." Ana says as she tucks her sketch book into a drawer and locked it. She didn't want Tony to have easy access to it. As Ana walked to the door she was met with Natasha, who joined her pace as they walked to Ana's room.

"You know, there's going to be a lot of eligible bachelors at this party." Natasha implies, causing Ana to halfheartedly laugh. "And maybe it's time you stop thinking about that Pietro kid. I've seen how often you watch the footage we have of him and his sister rioting."

"He saved my life, Natasha. He saved it after attacking Clint and Steve. So that raises the question, why did he help me?" Ana asks the question that had been plaguing her thoughts these past three days.

"Maybe he thinks you're hot?"

"Oh my god, you should've heard me. I kept rambling on about how hot he was. I've never been like that around anyone!" Ana tells Natasha, both girls laughing. "Man, he was hot though."

"Just get dressed, swordy." Natasha says as she pushes Ana into her room, the red head continuing to walk towards her own. The brunette stuck her tongue out at the other girl, before walking into her room and showering quickly. Afterwards, she put on her undergarments and stared in the full length mirror. She always was confident about her body, and had a story she loved to tell about each scar that covered her body.

She trained her gaze on her newest scar, the stab wound. Ana could've sworn she still felt Pietro's warm and comforting hands on her side. She hoped she would see him again.

After ripping her eyes from her small frame Ana made her way to her closet, pulling out a few dress options, having no clue what to wear.

"Jarvis, ask Natasha if I should wear the black dress I wore to that date last month or the white one I just bought." Ana orders after picking her top two favorites.

"Will do, Miss Stark." Jarvis' automated voice filled the silence, leaving the room just as quiet as before. While she waited for Natasha's response, Ana walked towards her vanity and began her makeup process. "Natasha has decided."

"What's the word on those dresses, J?" Ana asks, setting down her mascara wand.

"Miss Romanoff has chosen the white dress, lovely choice if I say so myself." Jarvis compliments. Ana didn't even know if Jarvis could see her dress.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ana picked up the dress, it had a sweetheart neckline and a crystal beaded bodice. The skirt was loose and made of a silky material, ending just above her knees. The brunette slipped it on and began curling her hair, becoming more excited the closer she got to finishing. She set the curling iron down after turning it off and looked at her final appearance. She let out a sigh as she realized she didn't have shoes on yet and grabbed her matching white stilettos. Now she was finished. Ana was dragged out of her thoughts by a knock on her door, which startled her slightly.

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