Guys, we look so badass!

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Ana placed the large bowl of grapes onto the table in the kitchen. Natasha had practically carried a sleeping Ana inside last night after she had passed out on the roof. That was probably the reason she woke up on the couch in one of the rooms the Avengers commonly hung out in.

"You're up late." Steve comments as he walks into the kitchen. Even though to the patriot getting up late meant the sun was up before you, he was right. She had slept into the afternoon.

"And slightly hungover." Ana replies slowly as she pours herself a glass of water, reaching for the pain killers Tony always kept stocked for situations like hers. "But anyways, what's up?" Ana crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the counter, Steve doing the same on the other side of the kitchen.

"We've found another base. It's in Sokovia."

"Where the hell is Sokovia?" Ana asks before Steve could go any further.

"Eastern Europe." Steve says and Ana nods, getting an idea in her head of where she'll be going today. "Dr. Banner said he found some-"

"Loki's scepter?" Ana asks hopefully, cutting Steve off from whatever sciency stuff he was about to say.

"Yeah, pretty much. That's about all I got from his explanation." Steve admits and the two share a laugh, beginning the walk to the meeting room.

"And here I thought I'd get to stay in bed all day." Ana smirks as she walks into the meeting room, seeing everyone on the team there already.

"Cool it, Banana." Tony teases. Banana was a nickname he gave her when she was thirteen, he thought it was clever because it rhymes with her name. That and she dyed her hair yellow for a few months, a thought so cringeworthy she pushed it far, far back in her mind. It was supposed to be blonde, but never trust dollar store hair dye on sale for half off. "We're trying to be professional here."

"Is that what we're doing? Because all we were just talking about how if Ana got here any slower you were going to send Dorothy to get her." Natasha smirks as she exposes Tony.

"Dorothy?" Steve and Ana ask at the same time.

"Glad you asked." Tony says as he pushed the button, like he did yesterday.

"Oh no. No, no, no." Ana says cautiously as she whips around in a circle, waiting painfully long for the suit to come busting out of nowhere. It's not that she didn't like Tony's inventions, it's just that she doesn't like her brother having that much control over her. It made her nervous.

"What's going on?" Steve asks as he follows Ana's gaze as it rapidly shoots around the room, anxious for something bad to happen. Then Ana saw it, the baby blue pieces of metal flying straight at her, coming in the opened door. Ana took a few steps back, before bumping into the front of Thor. The Asgardian demigod waited patiently for something bad to happen.

"Stark, Lady Ana seems afraid." Thor's voice boomed throughout the room. At this, Ana let out a scoff, waving her hand dismissively.

"What? Me? Afraid? Pfft, nice try big guy but-" Ana defends herself, being cut off by her own startled yelp as the arm pieces of 'Dorothy' attached themselves, quickly entrapping Ana.

"You know, if you make me a metal prison you could've at least let me name it." Ana says as she tries to find a way out of her suit.

"I'm sorry, Miss Stark. Would you like to change my name?" An automatic female voice, similar to Jarvis', rang through Ana's ears causing her to jump backwards. She definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Dorothy?" Ana questions and Tony nods, smirking as he admired his work. He had created a new suit and AI to keep his baby sister safe. "Are you Jarvis' girlfriend? Is that even possible?"

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