But Thor, catch me!

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Ana wanted to jump off Sokovia and hug Fury to the point Maria would have to get a crowbar to get her off. Words could not explain how happy she was when she saw the giant Helicarrier fly up.

"Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do." Fury continued, the man was actually smiling when he saw the younger Stark sibling.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve says and Ana laughs in disbelief. Maybe that feeling in her gut was wrong.

"Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Tell 'em, Fury!" Ana said as she took a few steps forward, hearing the famous 'whoosh', and then an arm snake around her waist. The younger Stark wanted to scream out with joy when the life boats began to come towards the city.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Pietro asks as Ana sighs, not wanting to move but knowing her fight was far from over.

"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D.'s supposed to be." Steve speaks up from behind the couple.

"This is not so bad."

"You're not a bad kisser."

"Why do you always have to compliment when you're in a life or death situation?" Pietro laughs.

"Okay, when am I not almost dying?" Ana says before turning to help civilians. Then, something flying in the corner of her vision caught Ana's attention. "Rhodey?!"

"Hey, kid!" Rhodey shouts through the comms before spotting a few bots. "Yes! Now this is gonna be a good story." Tony joined him and they flew side by side.

"Yep. If you live to tell it." The older Stark says as Ana listens into their conversation.

"Don't doubt the man." Ana jokes as she urges people into seats, while also destroying any Iron Legion that got too close.

"You think I can't hold my own?"

"We get through this, I'll hold your own." Tony says and Ana laughs loudly.

"You had to make it weird."

"Yeah, he's the embarrassing Stark." Ana comments before jogging back into the city to grab more civilians.

"Why don't you call in Dorothy?" Tony asks as he flies overhead, blasting Iron Legions.

"I feel like it'd hella scare everyone." Ana says before cracking a smile when she sees her speedster. "Plus, I don't look as hot in the metal suit."

"Okay Banana, I'm going to need you to stop having any contact with Pietro now."

"Yeah, okay. No."

"Thor, I got a plan!" Tony yells overly loud into the comms. Ana drew in a breathe, the sooner she got off this rock the sooner she could shower and hug Rhodey. Plus, she figured Sam Wilson was having a meltdown at her disappearance.

"We're out of time. They're coming for the core." The demigod says back. Ana stops jogging, bending over and resting her hands on knees. The air was getting thin and she wasn't enhanced like the rest of the team. She knew how the civilians felt better than the rest of the Avengers.

"Avengers, time to work for a living."

"Tony, I'm gonna call in Dorothy."

"You do that, sis."

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"You're out of breath, aren't you." Ana paused, pushing the button and trying to formulate a response.

"Yeah, yeah I am." The younger Stark says as the baby blue metal suit appears. "Oh, oh god." She still wasn't used to the feeling of the suit putting itself on.

Stark Contrast :: Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now