IMAGINE: Lee and you having a baby

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     You scream, straining. "I c-can't do this for much longer." You grit out once the contraction is over. You sink against the pillows, panting hard.

     "You won't have to. I think one more push and your baby will be here." The nurse informs, smiling at you.

     "Do you hear that, Y/N? Just one more." Lee, your husband, says, smiling down at you. He brushes the hair away from your sweaty forehead.

     "You're doing such a beautiful job. I am so proud of you." He whispers.

     You half grin. "Thanks." You sigh tiredly. "What do you think it'll be, Lee? Boy or girl?" You ask. Lee and you decided to wait until the baby is born to find out the sex.

     "Mm, boy." Lee answers, grinning.

     "Is that because you really, really want it to be a boy?" You question, smirking.

     He chuckles and looks down. "Maybe..." He murmurs.

      You squeeze his hand. "I think it's a boy too." You reply. He slowly looks up at you, smiling. His smile immediately disappears as you cry out in pain, leaning forward.

     "Last push, Y/N!" The nurse exclaims. You yell. "Don't forget to breathe! Y/N, breathe! You need to breathe!" The nurse commands.

     You suck in a deep breath and push once more. You gasp with relief as your child leaves your body. An ear splitting scream fills the air.

     "It's a boy!" The nurse pronounces, holding up the red, squalling baby.

     You happily cry, your hands clasped over your mouth, and your eyes wide with wonder. The nurse settles your son in your arms and you sniff, gazing down at his beautiful face. Your heart swells. You look at Lee, who's just staring at your son, his eyes bulging.

     "Lee?" You ask softly. He doesn't answer you. "Lee." You repeat. Nothing. Lee." You say firmly. He snaps out of his trance and looks at you, his eyes still wide.

     You smile. "We have a baby boy." You whisper. Lee suddenly bursts into tears. You watch in shock as your husband buries his face in his hands and sobs uncontrollably.

     He shakily points his finger in the direction of his son. "He's-he's-he's..." Lee stutters.

     Your eyebrows draw worriedly and you hold your son a little more protectively to your chest.

     "He's what?" You ask.

     "He's so beautiful!" Lee sobs. You start laughing and Lee lifts his head.

     "Would you come see your son, Lee? He really wants to see his father." You say, smiling.

     Lee tentatively moves closer to his son and sits down beside you. He sniffs and caresses his son's soft cheek.

     Lee smiles in admiration. "We made this?" He asks in wonder.

     You nudge shoulders with him, grinning. "Pretty sure, honey." You reply. Lee looks at you and grins, before kissing your cheek. Then you both marvel at your son.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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