IMAGINE: Celebrating Christmas with Lee

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     You sit around the Christmas tree with your husband Lee, just finishing opening each other's gifts. It's Christmas night. Lee and you have spent the last couple of days with family and friends. Now him and you are alone.
     "This was a very exhausting first Christmas as husband and wife." You laugh, leaning against Lee.
     He wraps his arm around your shoulders. "It was. But I had so much fun." He replies.
     You smile up at him. "Me too. This really is the most wonderful time of the year." You say, your eyes slowly moving over to the Nativity above the fireplace. Lee and you are quiet for a moment, reminiscing in the moment.
     "What do you say we watch a Christmas movie?" Lee asks. Before you answer, he scoops you up into arms and carries you to the sofa.
     "Lee." You laugh, grinning.
     He smiles at you. "You pick the movie and I'm going to go make us some hot chocolate." He says, gently setting you down and walking to the kitchen. Lee comes back into the living room, ten minutes later, holding two cups of hot chocolate. He sits down next to you and holds yours out.
     "Thank you." You say, grabbing it. You cuddle close to Lee and he wraps both arms around you as you press play to the movie.
     "What did you pick?" Lee asks.
     "Mm, you'll see." You reply, smiling. Lee smiles and kisses your head just as White Christmas starts playing.
     "Yes, I've wanted to watch this!" Your husband exclaims.
    "I know." You say.
     Lee looks at you and kisses you softly. "I love you so much." He says, grinning.
     "I love you too." You whisper, before laying your head against his shoulder and watching the Christmas classic.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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