Always-Chapter 6

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There will be quite a lot of swearing at the end of the chapter;) Just a warning!


I couldn't believe the school actually contacted your parents.

It was the worst thing I had ever experienced inside.  The whole world seemed to have tune down itself when Jane told me about it on the phone.  My voice cracked slightly when I told Jane I had to go while actually, all I did was stumble into my room blindly and throw myself onto the bed.  Oh God, what had I dragged you into?  Hopefully your parents wouldn't blame you on it.  Instead, they would blame me.  The idea brought a wave of nausea and I had to roll over and stuff my face into the cool fabric of my pillow.  

I went to school the next morning, feelin dreadful and empty inside.  Jane was looking paler than usual.  "I'm not gonna have much patience with Wesley today," she grunted, her eyes fixing on distance.  I didn't say anything.  I just wished the day could end quicker and I could return to the silence of my bedroom.

"Hey," Percy said once I had dropped myself into the seat next to his.  It was the last lesson before lunch and my stomach hadn't stop complaining since I skipped breakfast this morning. "You hungry?" he asked with a smile. 

My cheeks flushed with embarrassement, "sorry.  I didn't have breakfast this morning."

"Nah, it's cool.  I'm don't feel like eating anything too.  Yesterday was kind know..." 

I nodded and stared at my notebook.  I didn't think Percy know about your parents yet.  I wasn't sure if he would have cared.  But somehow I had the feeling that he would become one of the great friends I could have.  

I was never good at maths.  And now with my roaring hunger, the math project before me seemed to burn with hatre.  Percy was as good tempered as ever.  I knew he was trying his beset to assure me that the questions were actually solvable.  But my temper was getting shorting and people's whispers in the classroom were getting on my nerves.

I thought I was just about to lose it when someone beat me to it.

"Geez, what is wrong with you?"

"You're wrong! Don't you understand?"

The whisper-shouts stopped me at once.  I looked up at once, only saw Jane putting up both of her hands in frustration while Wesley pointing at something on their papers vigorously.

At the front of the classroom, Mrs. Smiths sighed dramatically.  She glanced up at the ceiling and I thought I heard her murmuring, "heavens."

"Mrs. Smithsssssss!" Jane whined, ignoring Wesley's protests in the background.  Soft giggles rang in the back of the classroom.  Even Percy dropped his jaw slightly and was watching your dear cousin aruging with Wesley about Maths.

"Okay. That's enough.  I thought you two have learnt better from last term.  How to coorperate and bah! Look at you, still aruging like you were two!" I had decided Mrs. Smiths had finally lost her marbles.  Jane and Wesley fell in silence at once.  To be honest, I thought it was kind of funny.  

For a brief moment, no one spoke.  Then, Jane and Wesley burst out complains at once.

"Please? I don't want to work with her!"

"Nor do I!"

I smiled and from my eyes corners I caught Percy watching with amusement.  The little entertainment stopped quite soon when Mrs. Smiths had slammed her hand on the teacher's desk.  The classroom was dead silent, including Jane and Wesley.  

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