Always-Chapter 10

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Here's the chapter:) Please do comment and vote, that would simply make my day!:D Anyway, I hope you like the chapter xx


"You alright back there?" I asked you quietly as our hands entwined. I was eager to know if you were getting used to the life of being in X-Factor. The corridor was half empty. Some staff would brush past us while winking or nodding at you.

You nodded. I looked up to read your expression. And I swore to God I caught you glancing at Percy with hesitation. I peeked at Percy, who just smirked and turned away as we turned a corner and entered the lobby.

The muffled screams from fan surprised me. Standing there like an idiot, you squeezed my hand slightly with a frown, "you okay?"

Blinking several times, I mad sure I wasn't illustrating the scene before me. Before I came here, the street was as empty as it could be! Someone must have been informed that the you and your lads were heading out for supper. But however popular I knew your group was in X-Factor, I really didn't expect to see such a large fan base.

"I'm fine," I tried a smile. You studied me for a beat. Then slowly, you began to lead me towards the glass door. But this time, you had your hand on the small of my back. A balloon swelled in my stomach. It was such a wonder how you could still make me feel this way.

As you pushed open the door, the screams seemed to be turned up to maximum volume. I felt like air had been squeezed out of my lungs as I stumbled forwards. You stopped in your track for seconds, surprising me. Then, I watched you giving a little waves to the fans, a small smile lingering on your face. If I didn't know you, I would think you were showing off or teasing your fans as your little waves simply made the fans go wild. A quiet chuckle left my lips. You glanced down at me, corking an eyebrow. As if trying to take my breath further away, you showed your dimples with a wider smile.

"Harry! Marry me!"

"I love you, Harry!"

"Is that your girlfriend, Harry?"

A smile hung on my face shyly as I turned to the fan. "Harry," Percy called out, "we better go now!" You gave him a quick nod. As you were ready to lead me towards the more dessert street, you hesitated. Then turning to the fans, you pushed the small of my back slightly alongside with you. So I had to walk beside you, towards the fans who were going wilder than ever.

"My girlfriend, Klara," you introduced. The smile on my face brightened up. I thought you were speaking too soft. The fans wouldn't even be able to hear you.

So turning my head, I said, "erm, Harry, I don't think they can hear-"

But my words were stuck in my mouth by a surprise kiss from you. I guess you were trying to peck my cheeks. But I picked the wrong time to turn my head. Actually, the right time.

The fans went over the top. The metal barriers didn't seem to be able to hold the fans anymore. I looked up at you with widened eyes. Only seconds later, we were staring at each other with a grin.

"Klara!" Jane called. I turned and caught a beam on her small face. 

Besides me, your throaty voice said, "let's go."

I wrapped my arm around your waist as you did the same. Walking down the street, I turned sideway slightly and inhaled your scent on your jumper. "Love you," you mumbled, your chest vibrating as you said so. I felt your chin resting on top of my head. And I simply couldn't resist the urge to smile like an idiot. Before us, Jane and Percy were laughing at something. It must be really funny. I was eager to know what they were talking about. But something caught my attention in the scene, and I couldn't really bring myself to interrupt their engaged conversation, for as they were walking down the snowing street, they were holding hands tightly.


Promise a surprise for next chapter:) Promise promise! xxx

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