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in the face of fear itself.

the only thing stopping her from dying is the pink haired boy beside her.

he's giving such little consolation-
more than you have in your entire life with her.

she's breathing-
she's still breathing.

the kids, they don't want her to.
they want to see headlines
of the dead anorexic.

that would make them feel...
temporarily whole for once
in their unfulfilled lives.
their boring, all too familiar
picture perfect life.

that girl you just told to kill herself
has already considered the odds.
the thought of bringing a pill
or a knife
or a gun
to her own self-

that had already crossed her mind.

that boy you told was weird
hasn't slept on days
thanks to the painful memories
of a more painful past

she doesn't want to die
she just likes the idea of death
rotting away in perfect preservation

he wants to be normal
he likes the idea
but when you haven't slept in three
five days
your mind goes out of tune


tic tic-
tic tic

always out of sync.


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