Dick's Party

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Author's Note: I know I know, I took a LONG time to post and the chapter isn't even long. I'm so sorry. Hope you like it!

The next day, when my parents went to bed, I started to get ready. I put on my dress, coat and shoes and half past midnight I got out of my bedroom and tried to walk downstairs without making any noise.

Dick's house wasn't far from there so I went by foot, walking fast, a little afraid because it was late and very dark. I found the house anyway and rang the doorbell.

-Jane? - Dick opened the door with a bottle of beer in his hand - I thought you weren't coming anymore.

-Yeah, I know I'm late... I'm sorry.

-Don't worry, get in.

There wasn't many people there. Only the band and two other boys and four girls I didn't know. There wasn't much noise either. There was a record playing, but very low. They were sitting on the sofa or standing up, drinking, talking. No smoking.

-You know, we decided to do a smaller party. Keith's one is very recent, we better don't get in trouble. And my parents wouldn't let me though... They are upstairs by the way, they don't care about us at all, just don't brake anything or play the music loud. They don't like smoking inside the house so if you want to do it, just go outside, okay?

-Right. - this is great. No more trouble for now - Uh... Where's Michael?

-Oh, he just went to the kitchen to get more beer. He'll be right back.

-Jane? - he comes out with a box of beer bottles - You came!

-I told you I was coming, didn't I? - I said as I walked closer to him.

-But why didn't you come earlier? - he placed the box on a table.

-You know, I had to go out while my parents were sleeping.

-Oh... yes. - he looked down.

-What's wrong?

-You know. The whole thing. The fact that you have to run away. The fact your parents hate me. The fact you can't see me unless you have told your mother you are going to buy cherries.

-I know, I know, it's awful but it's not my fault, okay? I'll try to fix that. I just didn't want to stop seeing you guys because of that. Do you want to stop seeing me?

-No! It's not what I said.

-Do you remember what you told me that day?

-Jane, please...

-You told me you loved me. I know we were drunk but I felt something. Didn't you?

-Yes, I did. But I didn't know it was going to happen.

-What happened made you change the way you feel about me?

He cleaned his lips with his tongue and took a while to answer.

-No. It didn't.

-Is it Shirley?

-What? No, Jane, for God's sake. It's not her, nothing happened.

-So what is it then?

-I told you already. I don't want you to be in trouble. I don't want to ruin your life.

That's what my father told him that day.

I realized how stupid I was acting. I mean, they probably don't even want to walk with me anymore and anyway I looked for them and came to this party... Michael only invited me after I insisted to see him again. And now that I'm here, he acts like this. What am I doing?

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