I want you

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Please forgive me, I'm too bad at writing about this stuff, I did my best. Hope you enjoy it anyway! I'll warn you when this chapter's song will start to play in the story, in case you want to listen to it at the same time :)

Saturday, March 10th 1962
Yesterday, Michael invited me to go his house tonight. Something important, it seemed. I wonder if it is a dinner with his family, but he made it a surprise.

I was about to ring the doorbell when I realized the door was slightly opened. I pushed it slowly and walked in. There was no light besides the one that came out of Michael's bedroom door crevice.

-Mike? - I closed the door.

As no one answered, I decided to follow the light upstairs. 

I opened the door of his room and there he was, standing up, holding a bouquet of red roses.

-Good evening, love. - He came my way and gave me a peck, handing me the flowers - I was waiting for you.

-Michael... I don't know what to say!

-I wanted to apologize for that night in Beesands...

-Apologize? Mike...

-I wanted to show I can make it better. You know, I know how to be romantic too....

-I'm sure you do.

-So! Shall we start our night?

-Sure, what did you plan?

-Well... First of all I made a dinner for you. For us.

-You did?

-Well, my mom helped me. A lot - He laughed.

-So she knows this is going on?

-Yeah. Doesn't know about the Beesands thing, of course, but about the dinner.

-And where is she? And your father, brother...

-My brother will sleep at a friend's house. My parents are out for the night, they'll arrive late. So! Let's eat.

He walked to his bed, where now I see there was a tray. He took its cover off, with a smile. There was a candle by the side of the bed, and a few more around the room, which were the only light there.

-Oh, so we're eating in bed?

-Of course. Don't you like the idea?

-Oh I do. It loks good!

-Let's play some music. You choose.

I picked up one of the records he selected and it started to play. It was very quiet and romantic.

He served my plate, and then served his own. We started eating, not talking much, but looking at each other, it felt so nice and peaceful.

When it was over we ate the dessert: Strawberries with a chocolate cream, which we drowned them in. We talked and laughed until the music stopped.

-Okay. Now I'll play the record that I chose for the night - He got up and left the plates and glasses on the table.

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