Weekend at Beesands

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Author's note: Look who's back! I'll be honest with you, this chapter was hard to make! I was stuck in the middle and didn't know what more to write, I traveled, I had some problems and it ended up taking so long that I thought no one would read anymore and quit it. But recently some people voted on this story and even left a couple comments and it made me so happy. You know, I love writing this and I don't really want to stop. (By the way I'm working in a new one, also about the stones!) I know I'm awful with keeping active. Even if my old readers can't stand me anymore I hope I can get some new ones! Hope you enjoy this long chapter - the longest so far.

Saturday, March 3rd 1962

-Please, Jane, please!

-I can't.

-Do you want me to get down on my knees again?

-Michael, stop. It won't happen, okay? There's no way my mom will let me go.

-Then you can create a story...

-No more lying. If she found out...

-Tell her the truth then! Beg her...

-Come on, do you really think my mom would let me go on a weekend-long trip with two boys? And specially when the two boys are you and Keith? And my father? What would I tell him?

-It won't be just us! Keith's parents are going too. They will be with us, isn't it good? Tell her about them.

-Yeah, but I don't think it will be enough.

-I'll tell Keith to call you. So your mom can talk to his. Does it help?

-Probably but I still think...

-He will call you. At eight o'clock. It will work.

-You really want me to go, don't you?

-Of course! It would be so good for us. Bigger than anything we've ever done. We will be a whole weekend together.


-Hello, honey. - She looked at me while she kept washing the dishes - Did you have fun today?

-Sure... Is dad home?

-No... why?

-Well, I wanted to ask you something.

-Oh, God, what is it now that your dad can't know? Isn't it too much already?

-It's just that... Keith's mother invited me to go to Beesands with them.

-Them who?

-Keith, Michael, Mr Richards and her.

-Beesands? Not very close though. How will they do to come back in the same day?

-Uh... She invited me for the weekend.

-For the weekend?? No, Jane. Forget it.

-But mom...

-I said no.

-Just listen... I understand why you don't want to me to go. But it won't be long. And Keith's parents will be there the whole time!! It would be so fun!

-Your father would never understand.

-But I'm eighteen!

She kept looking at me, not saying a word. The phone rang. I looked at the clock. 8:05. Keith.

-I'll answer it. - I walked to the phone - Hello? Keith? - I said lowly.

-Hey. Is everything okay? Did you talk to your mom?

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