❀ Seven ❀

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❀ Seven ❀

"The Book of Darkness," said Lerana.

All of them were back to where they were before the screams were heard; In the small dining room. Where the food seemed like it had not yet been touched. They were all eating except for Lerana and Robert. They were just staring at the food with either their hands on the table or on their lap.

"As you know, The Book of Arenden is the only way to get to Arenden if you have the key. Which, you do. What I didn't tell you is that The Book of Arenden is not the only way. There was another way. That is from The Book of Darkness.

"You see, The Book of Darkness is the book that leads to this one certain part in Arenden. It was where all the bad stuffs were caged in.

"Years ago, Arenden is not a safe place. It always had war and there will always be people dying. We had war with darkness. You know, the evil spirits, the demon, the ghosts. That sort of thing. We called them Demons-cruel, evil people. Anyway, we are trying to protect Arenden. And that's when it comes to your grandparents." Lerana gestured towards Ella. Her eyes widen a bit.

"Yes, your grandparents. Quina and Heret. They were like the age of yours when they discovered The Book of Arenden. They were the first earthens that we"-she gestured towards herself and her husband-"ever met. The war had been going on for hundreds of years. For that long period of time, we have been tricked, pranked, played at by the Demons. But when Quina and Heret came, they were the only hope for us because they can go to earth and find The Book of Darkness because at that time, we had just discovered there were another book to enter Arenden.

"When you came to Arenden by The Book of Arenden, you've got transported to the nearest place on where the palace is because The Book of Arenden showed a painting of palace. But when it comes to The Book of Darkness, it was different. Once you unlocked The Book of Darkness, it was like unlocking the whole prison-is that what you call in earth?"

"Like," said Nea. "releasing all the bad criminals in just one key? Is there a key?"

"Yes and yes. Just like that." Their eyes widen is shocked.

"What you mean, is that the book is unlocked? And all of the, evil-dark-spirit-whatever, are free?" Asked Nea. The queen nodded.

"Your grandparents-years ago-eventually saved Arenden. They found the book and locked it. We had no idea where the book is by then and it's been years. We thought we really end it all."

"So, what you are saying," said Ella, trying to get her brain to function in this new information. "My grandparents came years ago and saw what happened to Arenden and willing to help because they can go to earth to find the book and locked it. And then, they succeeded in locking the book that made all the Demons caged in to that 'certain place'. And now, the book is unlocked and that made the cage for all the darkness unlocked too and now they were roaming around Arenden again like they were years before my grandparents came? Like, another war?"

The others got their eyes widen as they finally got Ella's speech in their heads.

Lerana winced at the word 'war'. It's a small move, you may not noticed it if you weren't paying any attention but Ella did and she noticed it.

"More worst is that," said Lerana. She didn't answered Ella's question whether it's another war or not but she didn't forced the Queen to do so. Hearing the Queen's voice cracked is enough. It was rare to see the Queen almost breaking down. Lerana didn't continued her sentence as she started to take deep breaths.

The King put an arm around the Lerana and tried to soothe the pain she was holding in herself. Ella realised that the Queen always do the talking. It was then that she realised that the King cared deeply towards his world from how she saw the way he helped the civilians before but he was so quiet. He didn't say much. He always let his wife do all the talking.

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