❀ Fourteen ❀

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❀ Fourteen ❀

She couldn't looked back. She don't have any time to look back. She just ran straight to even Raylene herself don't even know where she was running to and what she was running from. But even though she wasn't sure where she was going, she forced her legs to run faster and faster that she didn't give any damn if her feet will be bleeding or not. She didn't know how long she was running. For all she know, she might have been running for over a mile now.

She tripped but thankfully her face didn't fall flat on to the concrete, her feet easily caught her balance and ran again.

"Raylene!" Someone screamed her name. Her head shot up to search for the owner of the familiar voice but no luck, there was no one. "Raylene!" There it is again. She searched side to side but there was no one.

"RAYLENE!" The voice screeched. It was filled with horror, fear, agony and anger.

"Raydene?" Raylene heard her voice came out. It was a whisper. There's no answer. "RAYDENE!" She tried again more louder and with much more confidence. But there was no answer.

Then, her surrounding started to shift that she had to stop and held onto her knees as she pant from the running she did before. Instead of the dark street where she was running just a few seconds ago, she was in her house. In the living room.

She closed her eyes shut before she took a long, deep breath and stood straight. She exhaled slowly and opened her eyes. Her heartbeat was still beating crazy but it did help calmed her down a little.

There was a sudden crash heard outside of the living room that made her jump. The crash sounded like a glass breaking. Or maybe it is.

Another crash. This time she was sure it was the sound of a glass breaking.

Before she knows it, she had lost control of her own legs as her feet started to drag her towards the door of her living room. Her hand took a hold of the doorknob but she didn't turned it. She was frozen on her ground.

On the door, in front of her was blood smeared. She didn't know who's or what's blood it belongs to but this is her house and whoever's blood it belongs to, she wouldn't want to know.

She raised her other hand to trace the blood. She retracted her hand after feeling the warm, wet blood on her fingers. It was new. The blood was still new.

Another crash made Raylene jump. She had forgotten about the crashing after she saw the blood. As soon as she recovered from staring at the red liquid, she turned the doorknob and swung the door open with force.

Another crash. The sound had never failed to make her jump. It was coming from the kitchen. Her feet works before her brain does.

She gasped as soon as she steps into the kitchen. There stood her twin brother with tears in his eyes. The white button up shirt he was wearing was crumpled and it had blood on it. His hair was a mess like he haven't even washed it for months.

Broken glassware were on the floor mixed with blood. His blood. He even stepped on some of the glass and he was shoeless and so it cuts through his skin. His feet was already bleeding by all the cuts from the glass.

But none of that, none of those above even the part which he steps on the glass were more scarier than the knife he was holding on with his bloody hands at that moment. The pointy edge of the knife was pointing towards where his heart was located.

He was not committing suicide. No, she know better that her own brother won't ever do such thing. That's why she stood silently watching her brother holding the knife towards his heart, clueless on why he would do that.

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