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As soon as I was outside, I immediately felt stupid for not looking for Mel and Deedee instead of running out like a possessed chicken. Had I been more thoughtful, I wouldn't be stranded in my old neighborhood.

I groaned but since there was no way I'd set another foot in his house, I started walking.

Luckily, it was still warm at this period of the year so I wasn't cold at least.

In order to avoid thinking about everything, I tried to think of the songs I'd listen to if I had my I-pod with me.

After a while I started humming Just Give Me a Reason by Pink.

It took me almost half an hour to get to my house and I almost died of a heart attack when I saw their shadows on my porch.

I was glad they were easy to recognize, with how tall they all were, because after what had happened to my car today, it could very well have been the Black Devils' leaders, and a heart attack would have been preferable in that case.

I swallowed the bile that came up in my throat at the thought of the four boys who'd ruined my life.

The other four boys facing you right now are just as responsible, I thought bitterly.

As I stood frozen at the bottom of the three steps that led to my porch, I wondered what my best course of action was, because one thing was sure, I'd had enough interactions with my past for at least five years.

Just go up the steps and let yourself in, Ali, I silently encouraged myself.

I doubted they'd actually let me do that but what other options did I have? So I took the first step and then the next one until I was finally facing them.

For some reason they had come without Victor.

He was the one who'd replaced Sam on the court.

And also the one who'd seduced Gregory Hilton's sister...

Was his absence some sort of white flag signal?

I tried to walk around them and surprisingly they didn't stop me so I unlocked the door and entered my house without a word. I tried to close the front door behind me but a foot appeared at the threshold, preventing me from doing so.

I didn't even fight back when they pushed it back open and came in making the small hall very crowded with their tall frames.

They might be taller, stronger and more numerous, there was no way I'd make it easy for them so after taking my flats off, I wordlessly walked to my room, removed my top and my jeans so I was in my Ninja Turtles boxers and tank top, and slid under my covers.

Finally, I reached for the interrupter and turned the light off.

"Nice! Sleepover time!" Milo exclaimed. "I'd have brought my pj's if..."

"Why can't you just shut up, today, Bellucci?!" Scott boomed.

"This is ridiculous. Shall I just turn on the light?" I recognized Niall's voice and was tempted to tell him to leave the light off and to get the hell out of my bedroom.

Instead I grabbed my phone and typed 911 on my screen. I was about to click on the green phone when a huge hand snatched it away from me before turning the light back on.

"Stop being a child, Ali!" Scott shouted.

"A child?!" I sat up, furious he'd even go there. "Reality check, Dude. The four of you have forcefully entered my house tonight, you followed me in my bedroom, watched me undress and are still there when I'm tucked up in bed, my light turned off..." I paused to catch my breath. "Now, who's being a freaking child?!" I added for good measure.

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