Part 9: The Child Protective Service

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You wake up to Selah running into your room

"Trina!!!!!!!" she says in her babyish voice

"Hey babe" she comes over to give you a hug you sit up and josh goes to sit in the chair again

"What's that?" she asks poking you arm

"It's a band aide" you say

"What's it for?" she questioned

"To help me feel better"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I have an ouchie"

"Oh" she says, "here I make it better" she says giving your arm a kiss

"Thank you I feel much better" Jonah and Payton walk in.

"Hey trin, feel better?" Jonah asks

"Yes, much better, pay you got the donuts?" You ask

"Yup right here" she says shaking the bag the donuts were in,"hey josh" she says giving him a hug. it felt weird, you just made out with the guy your BESTFRIEND has a crush on. OH MY GOSH!!


"Here set them down," josh says moving a table while Payton sets the donuts down

"Ooooooooo, what kind did you get?" josh says like a little kid

"Halloween flavors" Payton says

"Pumpkin!!" you say. pumpkin is your absolute favorite flavor in anything.

~After you guys finish your donuts Clarissa comes in

"Sorry to ruin the fun but I need to talk to Trinity alone," so they all get up and leave. but josh comes over and whispers something in your ear

"I'll be right outside babe" his breath was warm. he pecked your cheek and left. Payton stands there watching him with her mouth open you thinks she's going to bite you head off but she just takes a deep breath and walks out

"So what's up?" you ask

"Good news is you can leave shortly. the other good news is there will not be bad scars on your arm."

"Ok and what's the bad news?" you ask worried

"I talked to child protective services, a detective is going to come talk to you about the insistent with your arm."

"Ok do you know what detective?"

"They didn't give me a name."

"Thank you"

"Anything I can get you dear?"

"No just let my family back in please"

She did as you ask and they came back in and you told them what she said about your arm but not the detective. Selah and Jonah snuggle up next to you while Payton sits at your feet and josh on the chair. you turn on the tv and surf the channels and find something good. SpongeBob SquarePants. Selah fell asleep Payton and josh are watching the show intensly and Jonah is starting to drift of to sleep so you reach over Jonah and grab your phone and search through the contacts to find josh's name

Josh The Smexiest

Is what he put his name as. you open a text and text him

U: Hey josh the Smexiest

J: hey Trinity the beautiful

U: I'm so bored

J: I'm sorry maybe if we kiss again u won't be bored

U: normally I'd say yes put there are others prestent

J: well then get up

U: can't i have tubes attached to me

J: dang

U: I'm sorry baby

J: are you free Saturday night?

U: yes

J: great wanna go see a movie with me

U: what movie

J: whatever you'd like

U: rom com?

J: what is that

U: romantic comedy aren't you in the acting world?

J: yes but we don't use the word "rom com"

U: shut up

J: do u remember how?

U: yes bit I'm not going to

"Knock knock" Clarissa says walking in "sorry to interrupt, Trinity the detective's here"

"Detective?" Payton asks

"I'll tell you later," you say can you guys go wait in the hall way I just be a minute"

"Sure" josh says

"Can you guys grab them?" you ask josh and Payton pointing to Jonah,who had fallen asleep, and Selah

"Yay" josh says picking up Jonah and walking out of the room and Payton picks up Selah and follows him

"Trinity this is detective Andersin I'll be finishing up your paper work"

"Hello Trinity"

"Hi mr. andersin"

"So sweet pea as much as you hate being questioned please tell me what happened?"

"I had gotten home and said hi to Selah and Jonah then went to check on mom. she hadn't come out of here room since the hospital called her. I went in her room sat on her bed and tried talking to her. she wouldn't answer me. I started saying stuff like look at me or listen to me. first she threw a pillow at me then a scrapbook and then I said I need you and she threw the glass at me."

"I'm so sorry Trinity"

"It's ok"

"No Trinity I'm sorry because you can no longer live with your mom. the kids need a real adult with them."

"What?" Tears are starting to roll down your eyes.

"Did you and your parents ever discuss what would happen if something like this were to happen who the kids would stay with?"

"Yeah, our aunt krista and uncle Ron"

"Ok thank you can I have your uncle's number?"

"Yes" you get your phone look for his contact then send the contact to him

"There you go"

"Do you ave a friend you could stay with until your 18?"


"Wonderful they are going to let you out of here once I'm done with you so then we are going to go over to your house pack some clothes for you and I am going to take the kids to your aunt and uncle and you are going to your friend's house"

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