Part 22: The Parents

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I stand there in fear as they move closer and closer to us.

Josh squeezes my hand reassuringly.

The three figures move closer and closer. Until they are right informer of us.

Michelle, Chris, and Connor.

Josh let's go of my hand to give his mother a hug. Then his dad. And Connor. And then turns back to me.

He smiles at me. I smile back. Although my smile was a coverup to hide my nervousness.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Trinity" he says

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Hutcherson." I say putting out my hand.

"Oh please dear, I'm a hugger" she sad pulling me in for a hug, "and call me Michelle" I smile. I think I'm gonna like them.

"Nice to meet you sir" I say turning to Mr. Hutcherson.

"Sir? That's my father. Call me Mr. Hutcherson" he says giving me a hand shake.

"Yes sir. I mean... Mr. Hutcherson" he chuckles

"Hi, I'm Connor and I never miss an oppurtinty to hug a pretty girl" he says hugging me.

"Connor" Josh says over protectively.

"You smell nice" he whispers in my ear.

"So are we gonna hike or not?" Josh asks signaling Connor to let go.


I like them.

Michelle and I have talked the whole time. She showed me some baby pictures of Josh on her phone. She also told me a bunch of embarrassing pictures of him.

Chris on the other hand is a little more uptight but not to much. He reminds me of my father.

Connor is just a dork. No other words to describe him. Although, Michelle mentioned that he was the valadictorian. Which is hard to believe. He's actually my age. Starting 12th grade soon.

"So sweetpea," Michelle asks, "tell me a little more about yourself."

"Well, um... I play club volleyball. And I'm gonna tryout for the summer Olympics in 2014."

"That's amazing. How long have you been playing?"

"Since I was 9 so six years"

"Whoa, that's commitment"

"Yea, I have this passion for it"

"I can tell. So what about your family?"

"umm... well... I have two syblings. A sister who is 4 and a brother who is 12"

"So your the oldest. And what about your parents?"

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I try and blink them away but they keep coming.

"It's a touchy subject" Josh says saving me.

"oh I'm sorry. So how did you and Josh meet?"

"Umm... I hit him with my car."

"so your the wreck less driver who his my honeybee"

"No he ran infront of my car" I say jokingly.


"well it was great to meet you" I say giving Michelle a hug

"see you at the wedding sweetheart" she says

"what?" I ask

"oh nothing"

"ok bye Michelle" I said getting into the car. I wait for Josh to get in the car.

"so did you have fun?" he asks getting into the car.

"yea. I love your mom. She showed me some baby pictures."

"Dangit mom"

his comment makes me chuckle.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow. I get to meet my idols"

"well there a little crazy. expesially Jen"

"I guess I'll have to just wait and see."

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