Part 7: The Dream

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You wake up in a hospital bed connected to some tube. you look over at your arm. it's all bandaged from your shoulder to your elbow. you look over and you see josh sitting in a chair asleep. did he really stay just for me? you decide to call a nurse so you pick up the remote and press the red button.

"Hello" says the voice on the other end

"I'm awake"

"Oh wonderful! i'll send in a nurse." she hung up.

You looked over at josh. his eyes flittered. he did look adorable. his hair was perfectly geled back and hit nose was even perfect but what was really sexy was his jaw. good Lord! The Lord is good! you wanted to get up and just make out with him you just watched him sleep

"Trinity?" said a nurse

"Come in"

"Hi I'm Clarissa," she said walking over to shake your hand. you held out your left arm because your right arm hurt still. "so how do you feel?"

"Fine it's just sore."

"We never did hear how this happened"

"Well... umm... you see my dad passed last week--"

"--oh I'm so sorry"

"Yeah anyway my moms not taking it to well. it's like she's not even there. but I went to talk to her and let's just say she got very frustrated and threw a glass at my."

"My dear! that's child abuse."

"It is?"

"I'm sorry I have to call the authorities,"


"I have to, it is my job"

"But what about my syblings?"

"I don't know"

you start to cry

"It will be ok I promise"that only makes you cry more because she doesn't know

"Can you leave?" you ask

"Yes I'm sorry"

"It's ok it's not you. hey what time is it?"

"About 8:30 am" she says walking out

Whoa I slept for a long time. what were are the kids? I need to call Payton. phone phone phone where is my phone? aha! the table!

Poop! I can't reach it!


"Hey," you say softly, "josh? wake up josh" his eyes flicker open

"Good morning sleepy head" you say

"Morning" he says in a early morning voice that was dead sexy

"Did you stay here over night?"


"Who has the kids?"


"Where are they?"

"Her house"

"Are they ok?"


You look at him. his arm has a little cotton pad taped to it.

"What's that from?"


"What for?"

"So you could live"

"You'd that for me?"

"I did do that for you" he says getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed near you. Dang! he's sexy

"Thank you, there must be something I can do to repay you" you say wanting to kiss him

"I think you know" he says leaning toward you. you lean toward him until his soft warm lips touch yours. it's magical. You don't want it to ever move your good arm around his neck and sit up and he places his hands on your hips. his touch made you feel all tingly inside. you are kissing passionately now. ever second becoming more and more electric. you run your fingers through his soft hair. you've never felt like this before. You can feel his tounge on your lips and open your mouth and let his rouge explore your mouth his hands move to the back of the hospital gown you were wearing. he pushes you down so he is laying on you with your legs wrapped around him you move over so your on top. you kiss his lips then his sexy jawbone and down his necks and then you rest your head on his shoulder and he whispers into your ear,

"I might be falling for you."

And you think you might be too.

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