Part 8: The Kiss

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You lay on him for a little while listening to his steady heartbeat not moving except for his rising and falling chest.

"Josh?" you say

"Yea babe" the way he said babe makes you smile

"I need to call Payton. can you get my phone?" you say

This time he didn't answer

"Josh" you say

"What?" says a voice your eyelids flutter open and you see josh sitting in the chair

"Have you been there the whole time?" you ask him

"Yeah why?" he asks

"No reason. on a totally unrelated topic, have you ever had a dream that felt so real you actually thought it happened?"

"Ya, what kind of dream did you have?" he asks

"Let's just say, some naughty things occurred," you say feeling your face blush

"Wanna tell me what they were?"he asks moving to sit on the edge of your hospital bed

"We kissed,"

"Wanna put that to action?" he asks being a naughty boy


"Ok but let me know whenever"

"Josh!" you say slapping him with your good arm

"Ow!" You look at his arm a cotton bal was taped to his arm

"What's that?" you asked

"Cotton ball?" he says with a smirk on his face

"No what's it from smart Alec?" you ask

"To save you" he said

"That's exactly what you said in the dream!" you say kind of frightened

"Was it before I turned you on in the dream?"


"What did you or I say next?"

"I said 'how can I ever repay you' and you said 'i think you know' then we made out"

"So I guess you could say I'm your knight in shining armor?"

"Oh Sir Hutch how may I ever repay you?"

"I think you already know" he says leaning in for a kiss when his lips are less than inches away from you you put your hand up so that his warm, soft lips kiss your hand.

"Did you really think it was that easy?" you say giggling

"No it's this easy" he says grabing your hips, pulling you close and crashing his lips onto yours. you try and push him away but his grip is to strong and you can only use your one hand. you know that he is not going to stop anytime soon so you start kissing him passionately and enjoy it. you play with his hair while his hands run up and down you back and sometimes your butt. it was probably only a few minutes when your phone rang.

"You can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there and I know I can count on you like four, three, two"

Payton's ringtone.

"Josh can you get me my phone?"

"Sure thing babe" he say. Gosh! He's smexy. "here you go my lady" he says in a strange British accient

You answer it

You: hey pay

Her:morning sleepy head

You: what's up?

Her: the kids want donuts for breakfast and they're threatening to not be my friend if I don't get them their donuts. can they have donuts?

You: of course

Her: great

You: but only if you bring me and josh a donut

Her: deal

You: awesome

Her: see you soon Trina

"We get donuts?!" josh asks excited

"Yes josh we get donuts" you respond

"Score, it's only 8:40 and I've made out with a girl and I get donuts!!"

"Oh josh you are something else"

"Uh! hurtful!" josh says like a white girl

"Shut up"

"Wanna know how to shut me up?" he asks

"Sure" you say because he's being annoying

"you have to give your knight a kiss" he says puckering his lips

"Why not?" you say pecking his lips

"There now be quite and come cuddle with me" he cuddles close to you and you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat

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