[Chapter 1] (PART ONE) I Don't Have Good Judgement

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Lengthy Author's Note That You're Probably Not Going To Read Except For Maybe The Capital Letters That Spell Out YOLO: Hi! So, I've had this idea for a while. And I'm almost certain it's not going to turn out well...but YOLO right? Haha, just kidding. Anyways, I want to give you some info before I start: 1) It's based on the show How I Met Your Mother (hence the title), 2) I'm using my reoccurring characters of Nachael (Natalie and Rachael), because, well, they're the easiest for me to write about, and 3) my last Shane Dawson fanfiction did not do well, and I'm really hoping this one does. Now enjoy...or don't, it's cool with me =P -rac06h10ael


-Shane's POV-

I was sitting on the couch by myself, watching as Anthony and Rachael were head on head playing some video game I didn't really care for.

"You asshole!" Rachael shouted when Anthony won for the fifth time, making them tied now. She threw the remote control down on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest.

He looked over at her and smirked, "Want to try again?"

She heaved a sigh as she bent over and picked up the remote, "Sure. But if I win, then that's the last game. And whoever loses has to do the other person's laundry for two weeks."

"You're on," He challenged her. And a new game started up. The sound of guns being fired and explosives going off filled the room as I peeled myself off of the couch and made my way into the kitchen where Natalie was doing all the work preparing for dinner and Ian played some game on his phone.

"Need some help?" I offered.

She glanced over her shoulder at me and smiled, "No, I've got it."

I sighed and walked outside, seeing as it seemed like I wasn't really wanted anywhere. I stood outside and looked at my phone. A picture of me and my now ex-girlfriend, Hailey, marked my home screen. I really thought she was the one. We did everything together. Rachael liked her. Natalie liked her. Even Anthony and Ian liked her. But I guess she didn't feel the same way...

I locked my phone and slipped it back into my pocket. A crack of thunder sounded and soon enough, rain droplets started falling from the sky in heavy masses. I was forced to go back inside, where I saw Anthony laughing at Rachael and Natalie setting down the plates for dinner.

"Dinner's done!" Natalie called.

We all made our way to the table and immediately began to scarf down the lasagna she made. Natalie was an amazing cook, and it was hard to not eat it all in one bite.

"Hey," Rachael said before wiping her mouth, "My friend Lisa is coming in for the weekend. Is it cool if she stays here? And maybe watches you guys film a video?"

Ian nodded his head, "It's cool with me."

"And me," Anthony added.

Rachael looked over at me, "What about you, Shane?"

I looked up from my licked-clean plate, "Huh?"

She sighed, "I asked if it would be okay if my friend Lisa stayed here and came to one of your video shoots. She's visiting us for the weekend and I think it'd be cool if she could see the whole YouTube process."

I nodded my head, "Sure."

She smiled, "Awesome. I can't wait for her to meet you all. She's really nice and I'm sure you guys are going to get along just fine."

"Maybe she could hook up with Shane while she's here..." Anthony sneered. Rachael nudged him in the arm.

"Shh!" She whispered, even though I could still hear her, "He just broke up with Hailey, cut him some slack, Anthony. He's not like you who sleeps with every person he sees."

"Hey," He snapped back at her, pointing his fork in her face, "That's not true. I haven't slept with you. Yet..." A smirk grew on his face.

"Ugh!" She yelled, slamming down her silverware and jumping to her feet, "You disgust me!"

I heaved a sigh, which no one noticed. I started running my finger along the rim of the almost empty beer bottle I had sitting in front of me as Rachael and Anthony got into an argument. This happened a lot, and I've learned to just zone it out. Ian and Natalie eventually were pulled into the argument too. I leaned back in my chair and waited for it to be over.

Rachael stormed off and Anthony went to go catch her. I snapped back into reality when I saw them come back out of the bedroom hallway. He tried to grab her arm but she just yanked it away.

She glared at him, "You can be so fucking annoying sometimes," She said, pulling out her chair and sitting back down. Anthony sat down next and everything was back to normal. This is how it always seems to end, though the problems are usually brought back up.

"By the way," Rachael mentioned, "Lisa's plane is landing here at two in the morning, so if anyone wants to come..."

"I think Shane should go!" Anthony remarked with a slight chuckle.

Rachael crossed her arms over her chest, "He doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to..." She looked over at me.

"No, I'll go with you. I know you don't like driving by yourself," I told her. See, here's the thing, Rachael and I used to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Things didn't work out and...it's just...sometimes I feel like we still have what we had when we first started dating. I thought she was the one too, but...I guess I don't have good judgment. I'm just happy we remained friends after we broke up.

She smiled slightly, "Thanks, Shane."

Ian wrapped his arm around Natalie's back, "Well, me and Nat are going to go see that new movie that premieres tonight. So, we'll see you guys later..." The two of them got up and walked out of the apartment we all shared. That's when Rachael and Anthony got up too, leaving me alone at the table.

If Hailey hadn't broken up with me, she would be sitting across from me. I'd be holding her hands in mine, and we would be talking about random shit no one cared about. Now I just sat there, my lonely, single self with no one to be happy with, and an empty bottle of beer with no other one to get out of the fridge because someone (not saying any names...*cough cough* Anthony) forgot to buy some.

Just then, someone clenched my shoulders and whispered in my ear, "Hey, want to come to the bar with me and Anthony?"

I turned around to see Rachael standing over me, "Uh...sure." I got up and she skipped out of the door. I slipped into my sweatshirt and hopped in the backseat of the taxi with Rachael and Anthony. Anthony told the driver where to go and we were off.

Author's Note: Well, there's the first chapter. I hope you liked it! Please give me your feedback, like I said before, it really does help. Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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