[Chapter 8] (PART ONE) She's Jealous

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-Shane's POV-

I felt terrible for what happened the night before. I didn't sleep all night, all I could think about was how I wanted to tell Rachael I was sorry. But when morning came, she wasn't anywhere to be found in the apartment.

I found Ian in the kitchen, helplessly trying to make pancakes. Natalie usually made the breakfast, and without her, we were kind of lost.

"Do you know where Rachael is?" I asked him as I walked up to the island and picked up an orange, starting to peel the skin off.

He looked up from the bowl he was mixing the batter in, "Why do you care?"

"Well I'd like to tell her I'm sorry."

He just laughed, "You're funny, Shane. You really are."

"I'm serious, Ian!" I yelled at him, slamming down the fruit I had in my hands, "Rachael's really hurt right now and what happened last night just made it a hundred times worst!"

"Well that's your own fault," He replied, not looking up from his mixing bowl, "You were the one to sleep with Anthony's and my new coworker." I glared at him as he smirked, "You know, Rachael would never tell you this, but she's jealous."

"Jealous?" I repeated in disbelief.

He nodded his head before setting down the bowl and walking over to the opened book, making sure he was doing the recipe right, "She likes you." He divulged.

"She...she likes me?"

"She always sort of has. Ever since she and Natalie moved into the apartment at least," He looked over at me, "But don't tell her I told you that. She'd, like, kill me."

I smiled widely and turned around, just as Rachael walked through the front door. She looked at me in perplexity and set down her stuff, "What are you so happy about?"

I shook my head, "Hey, uh," I walked up to her and slipped my hands into my pockets, "Can you and I talk? In private?"

She looked up into my eyes and bit her lip, "Why?"

"I...I want to apologize. For last night."

"You did nothing wrong," She crossed her arms over her chest, "I shouldn't have gotten upset over something I had no control over."

I took a step closer to her, so that our noses were almost touching, "I...I broke up with Mari, so that I could be with...you."

She avoided my gaze and turned away from me, saying nothing.

I was about to spin her around and kiss her when Anthony walked out of the bedroom hallway, his hair messed up and his shirt nonexistent, scratching his neck. He noticed all of us looking at him and stopped in his tracks, "Uh...did I miss something?"


Smosh was recording one of their videos, one where Anthony was dressed up as Ash from Pokemon and Ian the Homosexual Hipster, one of Ash's rivals, while Rachael and I stood in the kitchen, not making a sound and picking at the mostly uncooked pancakes Ian had made.

I set down my plate and glanced over at her. I approached her and waited for her to look up at me. But after a few minutes of silence, it was clear she was never going to.

I cleared my throat, causing her to roll her eyes and set her plate down, "What do you want, Shane?" She inquired, annoyed.

"I told you. I want to be with you again," She shook her head and strode away from me. "Come on!" I exclaimed, following her, "You know you want it just as bad as I do!"

She stopped abruptly and spun around on her heels so that she was facing me, "Shane, we broke up, okay? And..."

"Why can't we date again?" I cut her off, "There's nothing against it in the rule book."

She noticed the people who were staring at us and gulped. She blushed slightly and stared at the ground.

"Please Rachael," I said, putting my hand up to her arm.

She smacked it away and looked into my eyes, before whispering, "Meet me in my room." She stormed off.

"Is everything okay?" Anthony asked me.

I shook my head and walked into Rachael's room, to find her standing by her desk. I slowly made my way up behind her when she turned around. She had a photograph in her hands and she was slightly shaking. I took the picture into my hands and saw that it was one with me and her, when we were first dating.

"I thought you destroyed everything with me in it when we broke up," I replied.

A smile crawled on her face, "It's my favorite picture of us," She admitted, crossing her arms over her chest, "You know, before...everything else happened."

"Rach, I'm really really sorry about last night. I wasn't expecting you to get upset."

She smirked, "Me either..."

I took a step closer to her, staring into her blue eyes. Neither of us looked away, and I slipped my hands under her jaw and pulled her into a kiss.

"Wait wait wait," My son interrupted me, "So, you and Aunt Rachael have this huge fight the night before, and you make out with her the next day!?!"

I grinned, remembering the craziness between Rachael and me. "Yeah, and that night we decided to date again."

"But she's our Aunt," My daughter commented, "How come you dated her? Twice!"

"There's a lot of history between your Aunt and me. But we'll get back to that later. We can't forget about Natalie."

My kids both moaned in boredom.

"When is this going to be over?" My son whined.

"Yeah! The parts without mom aren't interesting," My daughter added.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyways..."

-Natalie's POV-

I was working on Joel's makeup for this one scene where he's in a fire, smudging black powder on his face in different places.

He looked up at me and smiled, "So, are you single?"

I stopped applying the makeup and looked at him in confusion. Should I tell him yes? Should I tell him no? I mean, I technically am single. But there's Ian back home and I wouldn't want to jeopardize the relationship we had and hopefully would be reinstated once I return.

"Yeah," I replied, starting to continue doing his makeup, "What about you?"

He grinned, "Me too."

I set down the pad I was using and admired my work. Over the years, I had gotten really good at doing makeup, practicing on my sister, Smosh, Shane Dawson, and some other YouTubers as well. "Your makeup's done, Mr. Courtney."

"Call me Joel," He retorted with a smirk before walking out of the room. I was silently freaking out inside when Mila Kunis walked in. She sat down in the chair and smiled at me.

"I saw Joel's makeup, and may I say, I can't wait for you to do mine." She told me with a wide smile.

I grinned before dipping the brush into the powder same powder I used for Joel and swiping it across her face.

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