[Chapter 13] (PART TWO) The Exact Same Thing

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-Anthony's POV-

"Where's Rachael?" I asked Ian as I slammed down the two full paper bags I had in my arms on the kitchen counters.

"Yeah," Natalie added, "Where's Rachael? We need her help putting all of these groceries away!"

Ian gulped and tilted his head down to the ground. "Uh...she...left..." He mumbled under his breath. Both Natalie and I remained silent, not completely understanding his vague statement. "Like she left the apartment for good. Her key's right there," He pointed to the counter.

I picked up the key that was identical to mine and three other people and stared at it, "Why did she leave?" I asked, glancing up at my best friend.

"Yeah. Why did she leave?" Natalie repeated, snatching the key from me and doing the same thing I was doing.

Ian shrugged his shoulders, "She's going to college, I guess."

"Who's going to college?" Shane inquired as he walked through the door, taking off the wig he wore for the video shoot and throwing it down on the couch.

"Rachael," I answered, turning back so I was facing Ian, "Why wouldn't she tell us this herself?"

"She didn't think she would be able to tell you guys," He retorted, slipping his hands into his jean pockets and refusing to look up from staring at his feet, "She asked me to tell you guys for her."

"Well it would've been nicer if she could've broke this news to us herself!" Natalie yelled at him.

"Hey, it's not his fault," I backed him up.

"I don't care!" Natalie turned towards me, "She's my sister! We tell each other everything! We do everything together! How the hell did she not tell me this?"

"Rachael said she needed a break," Ian continued his story, "A break from the YouTube life she'd been living. She wanted to focus on more important things, like school." Everyone remained silent. I even noticed Shane hadn't butted in since he asked who was going to college. I looked over at him and saw that he had a frown on his face. "She said she'd miss us."

"Ugh!" Natalie exclaimed as she threw her arms up in the air and rushed past Ian into their bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Ian hesitated a little before shortly following after her. I turned towards Shane and watched as he sat down on the couch, putting his head in his hands.

I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"This is all my fault..." He moaned, "If I didn't ask her if she still loved me, none of this would've happened. We'd still be together. There wouldn't have been the tension in the house like there had been. And she'd still be here, not away at some college. She didn't even want to go college!" He exclaimed.

"I..." I tried to give my input, but he cut me off.

"Why does it seem that all the girls I date end up moving as far away from me as possible?" He questioned aloud, turning towards me for an answer. I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't answer that question for him. He shook his head and leaned back in the couch, "What are we going to do now that Rachael's gone?"

I smirked, "I know exactly what we're going to do."


"Really?" Shane asked me as we sat in the backseat of a taxi I picked up, "You're taking me to the bar to hit on women?"

"Exactly," I answered with a grin, "What's the best way to get over someone rather than going to the bar and finding someone new?"

"A hell of a lot of other ways," He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest and looking out the window.

"Come on, man, I'm sure Rachael's doing the exact same thing," I attempted to reassure him.

-Rachael's POV-

I wandered the college campus, trying to find my dorm. I had a backpack full of notebooks and textbooks slung over my shoulder, two boxes stacked up in my arms, and a map that I had stuck between the two boxes. I had been walking in circles. I finally gave up and sat down at the fountain, dropping my stuff to the stone ground and heaving a sigh as I tried to figure out where the hell I was on this map.

"Looks like you could use some help," Someone said.

I looked up and watched as this guy I didn't know sat beside me, taking the map I had in my hands and looking at it. He had messy dark brown hair, brown eyes, black studs in his ears. "Where are you going?" He asked me in a British accent.

"I don't know," I answered, snapping out of the trance I was in.

"Well, what are you trying to find?" He then went on to ask.

"My dorm room," I replied, taking out my phone and pulling up the email I got from the head master of the college, "I forgot where he told me which house I would be staying in..."

"Maybe it's the Ford House?" He inquired, leaning in closer to get a look at the email.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet, "That's it! How'd you know?"

He rose to his feet, "Because that's the house I stay in. I'm a sophomore at this college. Why don't I show you around the campus and then I'll show you to your dorm?"

I blushed, "That sounds wonderful."

He took my boxes and said he'd lead the way. I followed behind him, thankful that someone was nice enough to stop me from retracing my steps one hundred times.

After the tour he gave me, he took my to my dorm room (which I had to ask the dorm advisor if they could tell me what room I was in). "Thanks once again," I told him as he set my boxes down on the mattress. I guess the other person in my dorm dropped out or something because this room was almost untouched.

"No problem," He remarked, spinning around so he was facing me, "It was my pleasure." I grinned, "Hey, maybe you and I could go out for a drink? You know, after all of that walking around," He joked.

"I don't even know your name," I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Dan," He stuck his hand out, "Dan Howell."

I placed my hand in his and smiled, "I'm Rachael."

"So how about that drink?" Dan urged.

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