[Chapter 4] (PART ONE) Different Expressions

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Author's Note: If didn't notice, I added (PART ONE) to the previous chapters and this one, and basically it's just because I'm going to try organize my book like the seasons of the show. But, it's not exactly like it so there's going to be some different stuff. In addition, BOLDED parts in this and future chapters are the present (like how Ted is talking to his children in the show) and then the italicized parts are the past (flashbacks). Alright, now that you know that, hope you enjoy! -rac06h10ael

-Shane's POV-

I finished filming outside, where the sky had changed to a dark blue color and the cold night had fallen upon us. My four friends were all standing behind the camera, shivering. I couldn't help but look at Rachael. Despite how perfect Lisa seemed, I had a gut feeling I wouldn't see her much after this visit she was having with Rachael. And then there was Hailey, but I don't think we'll ever date again, I remember our break up.

I was sitting on the couch with her when she looked at me and cleared her throat, "Shane?"

I looked down at her, "Yeah?"

She sighed and looked back at the TV, "Well, I was thinking about us. And..." She slowly glanced back up at me and told me, "I want you to stop doing your Shane Dawson videos." That was like knives in my heart, and I swear my heart stopped.

"What?" I croaked.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "I just think what you do, like that whole Shoey thing and cross-dressing, it's...it's immature. And if you want me to stay with you, I think you should do as I ask. It's not like I'm asking you to jump off a cliff..."

"That's practically my life, though!" I shouted back at her, "So, yes, Hailey, you are asking me to jump off a cliff!"

She looked away from me, "It's me or that stupid YouTube passtime of yours."

I couldn't believe a word she was saying. I didn't think she thought my career, not some stupid passtime, was an issue. But I guess I was wrong...

The rest of the night, not a word was spoken between us. We went to bed and the next morning, I woke up to find her not beside me. I sat up and noticed a note on her pillow. And that note was telling me she's not going to date me until I'm ready to grow up. And that she wants me out of her house before she comes home from her morning yoga.

I packed up my bags and knocked on the apartment door I knew all too well. It opened to reveal Rachael, dressed in her pajamas. I explained the whole situation to her and asked if I could move back in with everyone.

She glaldy accepted and told everyone else the situation, and they were all more than happy to let me move back in. While Rachael showed me the room I'd be staying in, which was my old bedroom and hadn't been touched except for maybe a few boxes in the corner, I couldn't help but realize something. I didn't need Hailey. I have Rachael.

"Wait..." One of my children stopped me mid-story, "So, did Rachael like you back?"

"Well, your Aunt Rachael and I have a complicated history," I answered vaguely, "So, sometimes we had feelings for each other and other times we didn't."

"This story is so boring!" My other child whined, "Why can't you just get to the part when you and mom actually kissed or something!?!"

"Just wait!" I replied angrily, "Anyways..."

The camera person yelled cut and I walked over to Rachael, who was checking her cellphone. "Hey, Rach," I said looking over her shoulder, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just texting someone."

"Who?" I inquired.

"You don't know him," She slipped her phone into the pocket of her skinny jeans, "He's one of my old friends from school."


"Yeah, he wants to meet up for coffee or something."

"Cool..." I couldn't hide the disappointment I had in my tone.

Just then, Rachael whispered, "You want to know something?" She pointed over to where Lisa was talking to Lauren, another girl I had dated and broken up with who just happened to be one of the crew members I see almost every day, "I think Lisa could use a jacket." She smirked.

I looked down and took off my S-Deezy sweatshirt and walked over to Lisa, who had her arms crossed over her chest and was chattering her teeth. "Hey, Lisa. You look cold. I was wondering if you wanted to wear this."

She glanced up at me and smiled, "Yeah, thanks." I held it out as she slipped her arms in the sweatshirt and cuddled herself for warmth.

I was about to say something else when Ian shouted over everyone , "HEY! SHUT UP!" Everyone silenced and he went on to saying, "Natalie and I have some news to share." I couldn't help but notice the two different expressions on their faces. Ian looked excited and happy, whereas Natalie looked shy and embarrassed.

Ian looked over at Natalie and whispered something to her. She forced on a smile and held up her left hand, "We're getting married!" She exclaimed as happy as she could manage. Everyone burst into cheer, crowding them. Rachael made her way over to me, avoiding the crowd.

"Isn't it so sweet?" She asked me.

"Yeah...sweet..." I replied morosely. That's when it hit me...that I needed to get married. And find my soul mate.


Later that night, after having the usual pizza/beer party-thing, and when we were all buzzed, Lisa suggested we do a game of classic spin-the-bottle. Everyone agreed, not knowing what they were getting themselves into. But Natalie told us she was going to be in the office, not wanting to join the game. I followed her into the office and knocked on the door.

She spun around in her chair and looked at me, "What do you want, Shane?"

I closed the door behind me, "Natalie, I..."

"I'm getting married to Ian!" She cried, moving farther away from me, "I don't like you that way, Shane!"

"No...no..." I pulled out the other office chair and plopped down, "I don't want to have sex with you. I wanted to talk to you." She crossed her arms over her chest as I continued, "Earlier, when Ian made you announce that you guys were engaged...you didn't seem too happy...why?"

She frowned, "Shane, I...I don't want to talk about this to you. I mean, I haven't even told my sister yet. Or Ian."

"Tell them what?" I urged.

She heaved a sigh, "I got an offer as a makeup artist for this big-time Blockbuster movie being filmed in New York. I'm going to be away for a year and half. And...I have to leave tomorrow."

My eyes widened when my drunken mind understood what she just told me.

-Lisa's POV-

The game wasn't as much fun as it had been back in college, seeing as there was only four people playing. I was about to spin the bottle when Shane came out of the bedroom hallway, a frown on his face. He was followed by Rachael's sister, Natalie, but she stopped at the end of the hallway.

"Come on guys!" Rachael called to him, "Lisa was just about to spin!"

"Guys...I...I have some news to tell you," Shane said seriously.

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