[Chapter 10] (PART TWO) Rachael Won't Go To VidCon

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-Shane's POV-

The four of us sat in the living room, watching TV. Since Natalie's left, things haven't been the same. Rachael's been really quiet, and so has Ian. It was kind of...sad.

Luckily though, that night, while we were all sitting on the couch watching Sharknado, there was a knock on the door. We all looked in that direction but no one got up. We all looked at Rachael. She groaned as she pulled herself off of the couch and answered it, screaming at the top of her lungs before pulling someone into a hug.

The three of we guys rose to our feet as Rachael stepped to the side to reveal Natalie with bags by her feet. We all kind of just stared at her as she awkwardly waved at us, "Hi guys."

Ian slowly approached her and she smiled. "You're back," He remarked, his voice cracking at the end of his statement.

"I missed you," She disclosed, taking her hands in his, "New York sucked without you there. Without all of you," She looked at all of us with a grin. Rachael was crying she was so happy. I pulled her into a side-hug and kissed her on the head.

Ian was crying too. He gasped before he put up his finger in a "give me one second" kind of gesture and rushed into his bedroom. We all turned in that direction and saw him return with a small box in his hands. He walked up to Natalie and knelt down on one knee, this time proposing in front of us. She didn't even let him finish before she bent down and pulled him into a kiss.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" I retorted jokingly. They both rose to their feet and smiled at me.

With Natalie back, things went back to normal. There wasn't any more sadness in the house, there wasn't even any tension between us, until one day about a couple of weeks after Natalie's return when we all got something in the mail.

There were three envelopes, one addressed to me, one addressed to Anthony and Ian, and one addressed to Rachael and Natalie. I opened it at the same time everyone else did and noticed it was an invitation to VidCon. I looked up at everyone and saw they had the same thing.

"Yes! We're going to VidCon yet another year!" Anthony exclaimed as him and Ian high-fived. Natalie looked over at Rachael, who had an unhappy look on her face.

"What's wrong, Rach?" I inquired.

She shook her head, "I can't go."

"What? Why?" Natalie screeched, dropping her jaw in shock.

"I just can't," Rachael simply responded.

"Come on, Rach," Anthony said as he nudged her playfully, "It's VidCon. You went last year. We all did."

"I just can't, okay?" She snapped back. We all went silent after that. She rose to her feet and escaped to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Gees," I broke the silence between us, "I wonder what that's all about."

"I bet you it's because she hates all the attention she gets when we do those talks," Ian guessed.

"Nah," Anthony remarked, shaking his head, "I bet you it's because she doesn't want to run into someone she slept with and ditched." Natalie gave him the death glare. "What?" He retorted in a gangster-like voice.

"You know what you should do?" I butted in, "You should make it a bet."

The two men gasped and looked at each other, exclaiming in unison, "SLAP BET!"

"Who's the commissioner?" I inquired.

"Natalie." They both answered.

We looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders, "Why not?"

"Wait," One of my children interrupted me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "Why wouldn't Rachael go to VidCon?"

"If you waited, I would've told you!" I snapped back at them. They glared at me and I sighed, "As I was saying..."

It was the day we were supposed to go to VidCon, and Rachael sat on my bed as I got ready. I looked at her in the mirror and frowned, "Why won't you go to VidCon, Rach?"

"I already told you," She retorted, glancing up at me, "I just can't."

"Your fans will be devastated when you're not there," I tried to persuade her. She shook her head no. "Come on. What's so bad about it?"

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and walked over to me, "I told you. I just can't." And with that, she stormed out of my room. I heaved a sigh and finished getting ready. I walked out and met up with Anthony, Ian, and Natalie in the front room. We were all going to drive together.

While Anthony drove, Ian sat in the passenger seat, and that left me and Nat to the back. She tapped me on the arm. I looked over at her and she announced, "I know why Rachael won't go to VidCon."

"Why?" I asked. I noticed that she caught Anthony's and Ian's attention also.

She smirked, "I can't believe I didn't think of this before, but last year, at VidCon, she totally froze on stage when we started to do questions and answers. I was right next to her and she just would not move! She got so embarrassed when she snapped back that she fled the stage, and that night vowed to never to return to VidCon. Not even if they paid her to."

"That's it? She froze?" I questioned, "That's not so bad."

"God damn it!" Anthony shouted as he smacked the steering wheel in frustration.

"Haha," Ian laughed at him, "I win! And I get to slap you five times whenever I want!" Anthony glared at him as Natalie and I began to laugh as well.

We went to VidCon and had a blast, it would've been better if Rachael was there though. And like I predicted, her fans were devastated, but Natalie made them forget about it (in a nice way) and move on. We all had fun, and when we got back, Rachael wanted to know all about it. We gladly told her what happened, and she said she wish she would've come. But she just couldn't. (Lame as that was.)

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating in what seems like ages. And also sorry that the reason why Rach couldn't go to VidCon was so lame. Anyways, I hoped you like this chapter and don't forget to give me your feedback! Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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