[Chapter 14] (PART TWO) This Is So Frustrating

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-Shane's POV-

It was only eight in the morning. Ian and Anthony had left to go record a song for one of their videos. I had just woken up. And Natalie was working on planning out who was sitting where and with who at the wedding she and Ian were having not even a month from now. She heaved a sigh as I sat across from her, cereal bowl in hand, "This is so frustrating."

"Sorry," I apologized half-heartedly as I dug my spoon into the bowl.

"So you'll be sitting at the big table with me and Ian..." She blurted out to me, "And then next to Ian will be Anthony, then Rachael, and then you."

I spit out the mouthful of milk and soggy cereal I had just consumed. It nearly got all over her, but instead of her, it got on the magazines she had open of wedding dresses. She glared at me as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, "Who's sitting next to Rachael?" I asked her, hoping I didn't hear her right.

"You obviously, you guys are dating...why wouldn't you sit next to each other?" She retorted, throwing away the wet dress catalogues and sitting back down. I looked at her confused - had Ian or Anthony not told her that Rachael and I broke up?

"But, Nat, I..."

"Come on, just because she's away at college doesn't mean that when she comes back, she's going to have a new guy," She added, picking up the paper with the table arrangements and looking over it.

I opened my mouth to tell her the news, but then I thought I better not. Knowing the people who live in this apartment, especially the girls, even the littlest of things are made a huge scene of. Whether it's someone forgot to separate the darks from the whites and everyone's underwear turned pink or someone got a new boyfriend or girlfriend. It was always a big scene. And I wouldn't want to take the attention away from Ian's and Natalie's wedding with Rachael's and my breakup, so instead, I told her, "You're right. Sorry I even said anything..."

"It's okay," She remarked, turning the paper towards me, "Hey, where do you think I should sit Lisa?"

"Lisa?" I retorted, luckily there wasn't anything in my mouth this time to spew everywhere.

"Yeah, she's been one of Rachael's friends since I can remember. I think they met in elementary or something. Why wouldn't she come?"

I scoffed, "Do you not remember what went down between Rachael and Lisa a while back?" She gave me a blank stare, "Lisa went back to her douchebag of a boyfriend and Rachael got all upset, saying she never wanted to see her or hear from her again."

"Eh, they've said that to each other before countless times," Natalie said, picking up her pen and scribbling in someone's name I was unfamiliar with, "Trust me. At the wedding, they'll see each other, make up, and everything will be fine. It's how's it always gone and it's how it's always going to go."

"Are you sure about that?"

"One hundred percent."

I heaved a sigh and picked up my spoon, "I hope you're right..."

-Rachael's POV-

I was sitting on my bed, trying my best to complete the assignment my teacher assigned. I threw down my pen on my open textbook and lied back, running my fingers through my hair and exhaling loudly. "This is so fucking frustrating..." I groaned to myself. I don't know what I was thinking, going back to school. I hated it the first time, what made me think I would like it any better now? Oh yeah, the whole Shane thing...stupid post-breakup inclinations...

Just then, there was a knock on my dorm door. "It's open," I said as I covered my face with my hands.

I heard the door click open and I dropped my arms to my sides, tilting my head up to see the guy who helped me around my first day here. I sat up on my elbows and smirked, "Hey, Dan, what's up?"

"Just got out of class," Dan retorted as he pulled out a take-out bag from behind his back. "Thought you and I could use a little snack break." He opened the bag and handed me a wrapped up hamburger.

I smirked and sat up, taking the fast food into my possession and peeling back the wax paper, "You're too nice, Dan..."

"Well it's the least I can do for a freshman like you..." He joked, taking a bite into a burger of his own. He always was making fun of our age difference - even if it was only a year. I gasped as I rose to my feet, walking over to my desk and opening my laptop, pulling up an email Ian sent me.

"I have a favor to ask you," I told him, spinning around with the laptop in my arms so I was facing him.

"And what favor would that be?"

I sat down beside him and handed him the laptop. He read over the email and raised his eyebrow, "This is a wedding invitation, saying you're the maid of honor and explaining what you need to do..." He noted. I nodded my head, "What are you asking me to do exactly?"

"I want you to come," I answered.

"As what?" He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, "The maid of honor?"

I laughed, "No, as my date."

"Your date?" He repeated, a slight smile growing on his face.

"Yeah," I bit my lip as my stomach turned to butterflies, "My date."

He looked back at the computer and shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know, Rachael..." I frowned, "I mean, I just...I have so much studying to do on law, and you know I just love the law..." Dan was taking law, and he absolutely hated it. He couldn't drop out of it, though, because then he would have to go back to England and live with his parents.

"Come on, Dan, be serious with me," I stated softly, getting irritated with him.

He smiled, "Okay, okay. Yes, I would love to be your date to..." He looked back at the laptop and read, "...Ian Hecox's and the future Mrs. Natalie Hecox's wedding." I smirked in relief as his smile grew even bigger. "Let me just see if I'm free that day..." He pulled out his cell phone.

I smacked him on the arm and he broke down laughing, in between gasps of air, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I already said I'm coming, did I not?"

Author's Note: Hey guys! Okay, well, here's the new chapter 14 and I hope it's sort of better than the last one. The next chapter will probably be the wedding, but not as...sad...as the other one. Please tell me what you guys thought and thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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