[Chapter 11] (PART TWO) Glozell's My Sister!?!

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-Anthony's POV-

It was a relatively normal day in the Smosh/Shane Dawson/Nachael apartment. Rachael and Natalie were recording a new video of theirs and Ian, Shane, and I had to wait in the sidelines, being quiet and not being disruptive.

Rachael walked out of the hallway dressed in a suit with a tie, seeing as they were making a video for Justin Timberlake's "Suit and Tie".

"Well look who decided to dress up," Shane teased as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the forehead. I frowned. I was never going to be able to tell Rachael how I felt with Shane around.

Natalie followed her out soon thereafter. Rachael wore a white suit and Natalie wore a black one, seeing as that's how it's always been with their leotards and such.

"Are you ready, girls?" The camera man asked them. They both nodded their heads and got into position. Just as the music was about to start, someone began pounding on the door. We all turned our heads in that direction but no one moved. The knocking continued.

"I'll get it," I announced as I went to answer the door. I opened it to reveal a woman of African American race with crazy, curly hair and a wild look in her eyes.

"Hello. This is Glozell. Is you okay?" The woman greeted excitedly.

"What?" I retorted, confused.

"Is you?"


"Good," She remarked without me even saying yes, "'Cause I wanted to know...does a..." She looked down at her phone, "Anthony Padilla live here?"

"Yeah, that's me," I responded apprehensively.

She squealed and pulled me into a tight hug, suffocating me almost, "Oh my god! It's like...so great to meet you finally!" She exclaimed. She stepped back and smiled widely. I bent over as I tried to get air back into my system.

"And who are you?" Ian inquired for me.

"I already told him, but if you weren't listening, I'm Glozell."

"Then what are you doing here?" Shane asked the other question I had in mind.

She heaved a sigh, "I came here because...I'm his sister."

"My sister!?!" I repeated in disbelief.

"His sister!?!" Everyone else echoed me.

"Well, half-sister that is," She added. We all just stared at her, "What? Does that surprise you or something?"

"Quite frankly yes," I answered, standing back up, "Because I only have brothers."

"Not any more, honey," She told me, putting her hands on her hips.


"How could she be my sister, mom!?!" I shouted at my mother as I paced back and forth on her old, creaky, wooden floors.

She sighed, "I'm sorry, Anthony, I..."

"I mean, she's..." I stopped in my tracks, "She's not even the same skin color as me!"

"So?" My mother snapped at me, "That doesn't mean a thing."

"How could you and dad make...make that?" I inquired as I began to pace again, "I mean, I thought I only had two younger brothers! Not an older half-sister!"

"Anthony, I can't really tell you anything you want to hear," She retorted, frustrated with me, "But Glozell is your half-sister and you're just going to have to deal with that!"

"I bet you dad doesn't know about this."

"Your dad? We haven't spoken to him in years, Anthony!" She tried to tell me. But I already had a plan. I was going to see my dad and I was going to tell him about mom cheating.


So there I was, sitting on the stage with my father. Rachael, Ian, Natalie, and Shane sat in the audience as moral support and people to agree with my case. Or disagree, I don't know how they felt about this...

"Dad's going to disown us because we're on this show, you know," I heard Natalie say to Rachael. Rachael just smiled in return.

"Are you sure I'm your dad, kid? I've never seen you before," The guy sitting adjacent to me on the show tried to convince me.

"You're my dad. I know it. My mom wouldn't lie to me, Maury," I retorted, leaning back in the seat.

"Whatever," He said before the cameras started rolling and the audience quieted, "Welcome back! So, we have Anthony here..." The camera panned to me, "Who says that...I'm his father." The audience "ooh"ed and "oh"ed, "And that this woman," Glozell appeared on the TV screens behind me and to my right, "Is not his sister. When did you start feeling this way, Anthony?" He asked me.

"Well, I've always been told that you're my father. And that woman came to my apartment a few days ago and told me she was my half-sister," I answered truthfully, "And I came here to prove to her that she is not my sister." I looked at my friends and saw they all had a look of embarrassment and disapproval on their faces.

"Alright, let's bring her out! Here is Glozell!" The crowd clapped their hands together as Glozell made her way onto the stage. I stood up and started yelling at her, as she did me.

"Calm down, calm down," Maury stated as Glozell and I sat down next to each other. "Okay, so we gave him and Glozell a DNA test, to see if she's your sister or not, as well as him and me one, to prove to you that I am not your father," Maury remarked, glaring at me. How could he be like that? After leaving mom and all... "Let's see the results," He announced. The audience burst into applause as Maury was handed the envelope. I suddenly got nervous. He pulled out the two sheets of results.

"Anthony," He said as the room went completely silent, "When it comes to you and Glozell, you..." I leaned forward in my seat, as did my friends, "You are siblings." The audience went wild with that response. I smacked my forehead and leaned back in my chair.

"And when it comes to you and me, Anthony...I am not your father." That's when I threw my hands in the air and ran backstage. I was followed by all of my friends and Maury, along with the camera men. I fell face down on the floor as I began to cry.

"Anthony, I'm sorry I'm not your dad," Maury apologized as he tried to give me comfort, "But we will do whatever it takes to find your dad."

"No!" I cried, "My mother wouldn't lie to me!"

"Well the test doesn't lie either," Shane commented. I glared back at him as Rachael smacked him on the arm, "What? It doesn't!"

She rolled her eyes and helped me to my feet, "Anthony, it's not the end of the world." I frowned, "And hey, so what if Maury isn't your dad? And so what if Glozell is your sister?"

"That's not the point, Rach. My mom's been lying to me..." I mumbled under my breath.

"People lie all the time."

"Not about their child's father or their child's siblings!" I argued.

"You wouldn't believe how many people do," Maury added. I shot him a glare.

"Let's go home, Anthony," Rachael said with a slight smile. I heaved a sigh and followed her and everyone else out. So much for seeing my real dad and trying to prove Glozell wasn't my sister...

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