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I should ink the word into my skin
To show the world what you've made me
Wear it in silent shame
I will accept the title as my name

You dont belong to me
Yet you come to me as if you do
You spend nights in my embrace
As if we are lovers

But that isnt what this is
Its nothing quite that romantic
Its far more sick and twisted
We are parasites

Feeding off of one another
You suck the life from me
You drain my innocence away
You fill me up with your venom

And I forget to hate you
I forget that you broke me
I forget all the ways you used me
And continue to

And me, well I feed off of the energy
The thrill of being wanted
Craved by someone
Loving the way you react to me

I always walk away disgusted
Dirty with guilt
That can't be washed away
Filthy with carnal sin

Futile efforts made to hold on to my morals
And you strip them from me
With strategic kisses and touches
Oh, how weak I am

How I could love you
If you were mine
But those are thoughts I don't voice aloud
I never will

You'll go home each night to her
And I lie awake alone
Running my fingers over the marks you leave

Dreading...and Hoping for our next encounter

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