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The mirror is my enemy

it only tells me lies

shows me someone I don't know

in the place where I should be

The stranger has my face

but I know she isn't me

Her eyes hold too much hatred

and her skin is scarred

Her features are distorted

and any beauty she had is marred

I cannot say that I'm surprised

at this monster that I see

She is a product of my self loathing

a version of me no one else sees

She fills my head with venomous

traitorous thoughts

makes me doubt myself

She ruins my self image

threatens my mental health

I'm a coward, I am weak

I give her all the power

I never fight back

I just stand there, unarmed

defenseless against her attack

Maybe one day I'll be stronger

One day I'll win

One day I'll destroy her

and start the love the heart within

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