Chapter 1

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*Alex's POV*

Sitting on the driver's seat inside my car, I had my head leaning against the steering wheel. I sighed and I was thinking, am I really ready to have a child of my own? I picked my head up and looked at the house infront of me. It was a white old looking house. There was some toys and some balls on the front yard.

I sighed and took my seat belt off. I turned off my car and took out my car keys. I got out of my car and closed the door. As I did that my phone started to buzz.

Tobin- T; Alex- A

A- hello?
T- hey Alex
A- hey
T- what you doing?
A- I'm here at an orphan home
T- why? I thought you were gonna come to practice today
A- Tobin, I told coach that I can't make it and that I'm adopting a child.
T- Alex, I thought you weren't ready for kids.
A- well I made up my mind so I'm just gonna adopt a kid okay. I gotta go
T- alright. Good luck and see you Thursday.
A- okay.

I put my phone away and I headed straight to the front door. I made it passed the front yard and I walked up the steps of the porch. I then knocked on the door.

I waited a couple of seconds and a middle aged woman opened the door. "Hello, I am Ms Mary, I am the caretaker of the orphanage here, and you must be Alex Morgan" she greeted.

I smiled and nodded my head as she let me inside the house. She closed the door behind her and we walked into the living room. There was some children playing on the floor with dolls, action figures, and Legos. The older kids were sitting around the coffee table playing board games. "This is the living room. This is one of the rooms where the kids have their activities in" Ms Mary said.

I smiled at the kids as they looked up at me and waved. I followed her to the dinning room where there was a three kids coloring or drawing. I waved at them and smiled. "This is the dining room. This is were the kids eat and do their home work" she said.

We then made a left and she opened a door, and it led to the second floor. We went up to the second floor and it was a hallway. It had six doors with names on them. "This is the hallway where the children's bedrooms are" Ms Mary said.

The first door had three girls' names, Savannah, Jenny and Hannah. The second across had four boy's name, Jack, Spencer, Michael and Henry. The third room had another two girl names, Catherine and Willow. The fourth room was a boys' room, Derek, and William. The fifth room was the caretakers. The sixth room only had one boy's name, Charlie.

I was very interested in seeing this one. I wondered why he didn't have a roommate with him or why he has a room to himself. Ms Mary opened the door and we walked in. "Charlie?" She said.

The room was quiet and the only light in the room was coming from the window. I walked in deeper inside the room and I found a small little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He had his knees next to his chest. The boy didn't look any older then three years of age.

"Charlie, this nice lady wants to meet you" Ms Mary said. The boy looked at me and smiled and waved to him. The little boy slowly got up and walked up to me. He then held his arms up. I frowned and looked at Ms Mary.

"What, do I do?" I asked.

"He wants you to carry him. This really had never happened before but I want you to take the chance" she said. I nodded my head and I picked the little boy up. I smiled.

"Hey Charlie, I'm Alex" I said with a smile. Charlie only waved and sucked on his thumb. I looked at Ms Mary.

"He had a rough past so he really doesn't talk at all" she said. I nodded my head.

"I'll give you guys some space" Ms Mary said as she left the room. I sat down with Charlie in my arms. He's so cute.

"So Charlie, how old are you?" I asked. He held three fingers up. I smiled.

"You're three?! Wow that's a big number!" I said. He nodded his head.

(Later On)

I was in the caretaker's office with Charlie on my lap. For some reason, I felt this connection with him. It was a strong connection. I couldn't just let him go. If I adopt him, it will surely be a challenge, but he will always be my child. But if I don't adopt him, I'll surely will regret it.

Once I was finished signing the papers, I looked at Charlie and smiled. Ms Mary got up from her chair and told me to wait. She told me that she is going to get his things. After waiting a couple of minutes she came back and gave me a small bag.

"This is all he has?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"He's only been here a couple of months. And his parents didn't really-" she didn't finished. She didn't want me to know what had happened to him.

"I'm sorry" I said. I stood up with Charlie in one arm, and the small bag in the other.

"Well, I must go. And thank you so much" I said smiling.

"No, thank you" she said. I smiled and walked off.

We were outside and I placed Charlie in the backseat. I buckled him up. I closed the door and went inside the driver's seat. I did the same and started the car. I smiled at myself, knowing that I finally have a child of my own.


Sorry for the misspells and grammar. But I hope you enjoy the story.

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