Chapter 8

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(Next day) no one's POV

-two days until trial-

Today is another day of training and Alex hasn't been herself since that night. She had hardly slept and she can't keep her mind straight. She cries herself to sleep and Mark is always there at her side.

Charlie in the other doesn't know what is going on. He doesn't know why his mom is crying. He always comes up to her and gives her kisses to make her feel better. He tells her, "momma, why you cry?" Or "Me wight here. Pwease stop crying" or "momma, I wove you. Everything be okay"

Alex couldn't stop thinking about Charlie and the trial. She couldn't stop thinking that what if she does lose and Charlie birth mother does wins custody. "Alex!"

Alex snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her coach. "Alex get your head in the game!"

So Alex did so and she got her head in the game. She trained hard for Charlie. She couldn't let him down. So she swore that she would do anything to keep Charlie safe and with her.

After doing the drills and conditioning, it was time for some stretches. As they were doing the stretches, Tobing was the first to speak. "Alex, what's up with you today?"

Alex shook her head. She didn't want to tell them. She didn't want them to worry. "Nothing"

"Are you sure about that?" Carli asked. "Did something happen between you and Mark?"

"No. Thank God no" Alex said. She sighed. She must tell them or they'll find a way to find out what was wrong.

"Then what is it?" Kelly O'Hara asked. Alex sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"Well, Charlie's birth mother was just released from prison and she wants to get Charlie back" Alex choked out. She wiped a tear.

"Oh my god, Alex I'm sorry" the three said. Alex shook her head.

"It's okay. My lawyer promised that he'll do anything to keep Charlie away from her" Alex said. The whistle blew and coach Jill told the team that they're will be a small match.

So the team split up into two teams. Team red and team blue. The whistle blew and the ball was off.

Twenty minutes went by and Alex had the ball. She dribbled into the box and she was about to kick when she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She stopped running and tried to walk it off but she couldn't. She dropped to the ground and she cried.

Kelly, Sydney, well all her teammates surrounded her. "What's wrong?" Julie Johnston asked.

"My leg?" Alex gasped. She had her eyes shut and her hand clutching the back of her leg. The medical team rushed over I her.

"Where does it hurt?" A male with dark brown hair asked. Alex pointed to were it hurts.

"You have a grade two on the hamstring. A partial muscle tear" the male said. "We need to get you to the medical room"

So they took her to the medical room and they put some ice on her leg. They put a tubular bandage around her leg. "Is she able to play for the upcoming game?" Coach Jill asked.

"I'm afraid not. This injury will have to heal in two weeks. So she'll miss two games" the man said. Coach Jill nodded her head.

"I'm sorry Alex" she said. Alex nodded her head. She wanted to cry so bad. This wasn't going to be an easy week for Alex.

"Can I please be alone right now" Alex requested. The medical team and coach Jill nodded their heads. They left the room and closed the door. Right there, Alex cried.

She broke down knowing that this was going to be tough. She knew that something wrong is going to happen to her son. She knew that Charlie's birth mother will do something to hurt him, Alex and Mark.

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