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hospitals are the worst. i have been in numerous hospitals in my 17 years of life.
when i was born, when my brother broke his leg, when i had a kidney infection, when grandad had a tumor removed, etc. however i had never been the one in a hospital because of myself.
it was scary.
everywhere was white and there was strange droning sounds and electronic beeps and whirrs.
i just wanted to be out of here.
they wouldn't let me have my phone to listen to music. nor would they let me have my laptop.
i felt awful. i had no positive thoughts and my only escape was sleeping and you can only do so much of that. i had a small black notebook beside my bed which i had been writing song lyrics in. one or two lines everyday for five years.
today i wrote: don't try to fix me, i'm not broken.
the door clicked open and i saw mr and mrs jones walk in.
they smiled at me before sitting down across from me.
"how are you going daniel?"
i nodded and smiled.
"that's good. we were just popping in auickly to check on you."
mrs jones bent down to hug me and i felt her press something into my back.
"don't let the doctors see." she whispered into my ear.
i nodded and waited until they left before looking to see what they had left.
lying on the bed was a pair of earbud headphones and a small mp3 player. i turned it on and saw all of the albums i had on my phone on there.
smiling i plugged inthe headphones and presses shuffle.
the first song that played was 'supremacy' by muse. i smiled and lay down, my thoughts finally blocked out.

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