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Sid pulls out a small combat knife from his pocket and gets into a fighting stance. He lunges backwards and burrows underground, eliminating his presence I can't feel him anymore, but I know he's here. Soul gets a confident look on his face knowing he's dealt with Sid's bull crap before, but it's all new for me. Alls fair in love and war and this is definitely war, we can't get caught. We stand in silence waiting for Sid to emerge and attack, but we wait for what feels like hours before I feel his presence again. Shocking Soul I turn around and strike hitting Sid's wrist while he's going under again. Know knowing that he knows I can feel his presence he'll try to split us up when he comes back up again. Sid comes back up and Soul gets this hit catching Sid's pant leg keeping him from escaping. I walk up to Sid and grab him by his collar picking him up off his feet even though I'm shorter than him.

"What do you want?"
"I'm sorry,but I was told to come get you two."
"By whom Sid?"
"By Maka she doesn't like you Arisu."
"No duh don't tell Lord Death or Stein about this got it."
"Yes Arisu sorry."
"Good bye Sid go back to what you were doing.'
"Alright got it."
"If Maka ask says you took care of me and I'll take care of the rest."

Sid gets down, nods and walks off looking behind him every once in a while. I transform my arm back to normal as well as Soul and we walk back to the river outside town. We keep quiet 'til we get there and Soul looks like he's burning with question. Great.

"Holy crap Arisu how did you do that?"
"Do what feel Sid's presence or talk Sid in to telling me what I wanted and making sure he kept his mouth shut?"
"Well getting him to tell me things was the easy part I just looked at him my yellow eyes scare everyone. Now getting him to keep quite was a little bit tricky, I had to keep him at eye level and look him straight in the eyes and whisper exactly what I needed him to do."
"How can you do that?"
"It's my yellow eyes, it's something that haunts me as well they're cursed and I can feel his presence with them as well that's how I found you the other day."
"Yeah don't use those on me ever."
"Wasn't planning on it. It leave side effects so I try not to use it, if Sid looks tired or is dizzy for the next few days that's two of the non fatal side effects."

He gives me a weird look and walks into the river and under a bridge down aways. I hop in after him and walk under it. The bridge is dry and there's a little patch of dry floor we sit on. I stay quiet and think about how much strength I had to use on him so he would stay quiet. Hopefully I didn't use to much, but since he's dead it might not effect him. Soul looks over and sees my worried expression, he rubs me back to ensure me it's okay, but he doesn't get it. We relax under the bridge until someone's reflection is in the water. Kid's. I freeze hoping he can't see or hear us, but I think he can because his facial expression changes. He walks down the bridge and steps into the water, looks under the bridge and straight at us. This isn't awkward at all, nope. Kid walks up to us and sits down next to me.

"Would you two like to explain yourselves?"
"Would you like to explain yourself Kid" Soul and I say "Jinx!"
"Alright you two explain yourselves now or you can tell Lord Death about your little adventure."
"Fine downer" I say "Well I wanted to show Soul my scythe form and he couldn't wait 'till after school so we went to the river so I could show him."

I explain everything in perfect order. First, I make up a lie about why we came here, then I tell him about how we fought Sid and how Sid told us Maka sent him for us, next I tell him why we're under here and he laughs. So I filled him up on everything and he rest his head against his hand to think. After a while of sitting we decide to stay and hang out for a bit longer. Kid ends up believing us and is disappointed in Maka, but leaves to deal with her dilemma. Soul and I sit there until school is over and get back onto the bridge to walk towards the apartment. The silent night grows cold as I open the door to the apartment letting a brisk hot gust of air out in my face. Thinking really fast about what I'm going to do and think it's a good idea. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him, he wraps his arms around my waist hugging back. He picks me up and carries me upstairs I open the door to my room. Soul throws me on the bed, closes the door and we laugh, he obviously isn't going back into his and Maka's flat.

"Hey Soul are you going to see if Maka will let you back in."
"No she definitely won't let me back in after this."
"You're probably right you can stay here if you'd like to."
"Thanks Arisu, I think I will."
"Alright Soul I'm going to sleep take the couch or pull out the extra bed I don't care."
"Okay night Arisu."
"Good night Soul."

I take my shoes off and crawl in bed trying to get comfortable, but it's too cold so I get back up to shut the window realizing the windows are closed, I shrug my shoulders and get back in bed. Soul lies next to me because he doesn't want to sleep on the couch and nor do I so I said he could sleep on the bed with me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I fall asleep feeling the heat from his body curl next to me. My reflection continuing to blush vibrantly as red as his crimson eyes. As I fall asleep I hear a faint breathing and notice Soul is already sound asleep, I grab his hand and fall fast asleep. In the morning I wake to a knock at the door Soul is still sleeping so trying not to wake him I removes his arm gently and walk quietly to the door and the noisy pounding. I open the door and see Kid standing in front of it as well as Liz and Patty with him. Quickly I step outside into the hall and shut the door. Rubbing my eyes he and the two girls stare at the door.

"Hey sleepy head."
"H-hi Kid?"
"What are you hiding? I know you wouldn't have shut the door that fast if you weren't hiding something."
'Crap! Did he see Soul? What do I do?'
"Arisu, Arisu! What are you hiding?"

I'm not sure what to say, but damn did Kid see? Yeah they're so goners.

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