Which Witch Started It (The Witchs' Battle)

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Everyone watches in front of them the tension is so intense I feel the heat rising in the air around us. Mizuki looks around instead of at our targets and Maka looks over at us smiling. She's always so cheerful and reassuring at times like this I don't know how she does it, but she does pull it off from time to time. The two witches we can see at this moment are still Medusa and Akiko, but I know Akiko to well if she's doing this she'll have more witches with her than just Medusa unless they're both that strong. Even then she'll still have others I know she will because she is my other half. It's along story, but I'll shorten it up Akiko was my sister our parents were students from the DWMA and one day they were fighting a witch our mother was our fathers weapon. She was determined to kill a witch, but I can't remember who she gave her life and the witch left. One day our father ran into the same witch, but she was different she was our mother trapped inside her. They were still madly in love and had Akiko and I, she is my older sister and she is the same witch that cursed me. She got our mom's new genes and I got the old ones. I look back at them and smile this is the end of all the witches including her she may be my sister, but I can't protect her anymore I just can't.

"Hey are you two alright" a strange voice ask.
"Yeah we're fine" Mizuki replies.

I look up to where I heard the voice coming from to see Kid walking down towards us. Looking away to pay attention to the witches they have finally made their way into Death city. About twelve miles from the DWMA more witches are lead by Akiko and Medusa both at a jogging pace towards us. My body starts to shake in fear and I turn cold, Mizuki's arms are covered in goose bumps I'm not sure if it's from me or fear. I try to calm myself down, but I just can't I'm terrified of my sister and the witches. This is going to be the hardest battle I've ever been in and I've fought so many kishin eggs plus a witch, but never have I succeeded when fighting one. Stein, Spirit, Mrs.Marie, Nygus, Sid, Azusa and some other Meister and Weapons come out as well. We're going to win this fight if it takes all the energy and breath out of us. I've subsided my fear for this moment back at the apartment where my reflection screams in fear. Metal clashing and bright lights come from the city where the witches and closest Meisters fight. Knowing the two that started it they'll get as close as possible to Lord Death and Mizuki and I are the ones closest to the entrance minus the teachers. Silence spreads threw out Death city and then Maka, Black star and Kid race down along with Kim, Ox and Crona followed them down. Mizuki, the teachers and I are the only ones up here protecting the door to the DWMA. All the pressure is on us now and we're being counted on if we were left up here we were left up here for a reason. I see Akiko come up, but Medusa is busy with Kid and Crona she looks at Mizuki and smiles.

"Who's your weapon little girl?"
"Why should I tell you witch."
"Do you know who I am Mizuki?'
"How do you know my name?"
"You don't know me than what a shame oh well I'm still killing you."
'Akiko I am Mizuki's weapon and as that I can't allow you to kill her.'
"Oh so Arisu is your weapon alright come girl lets fight. Little sis I've been waiting for this lets hope this Meister is better than Ryuu."
'Don't talk about him.'
"Oh Arisu how rude you didn't tell them about any of your past did you?"
"Arisu what is she talking about who's Ryuu?"
'Mizuki we'll talk about it later alright it's not our biggest problem right now.'
"Alright lets go!"

Akiko takes out a long green blade and clashes it against me. I know all her strong points when we were little and before she realized she was a witch we were equal and would fight each other in the backyard. Stomach and legs are where we'll be able to hit her, but she knows me as well as I do her and she'll know I thought of this. 'Mizuki aim for her arms and chest.' Mizuki nods in agreement and aims for her arms directing it across her chest missing each move though. Akiko hits my blade again making bright green sparks fly into the air and falling against the ground into flames. A ring of black flames around us, the noise dies down and the teachers race down the stairs to grab the students and attack the remaining witches. Akiko doesn't remember mine or her weak spots so we aim for her legs, she jumps over my blade and lands down perfectly. We keep striking at her weak spots, but miss every time. Nygus and Sid carry up a few Weapons and a Meister while Mizuki and Akiko still go at it. I know this is going to be a stand still Akiko and I are too evenly matched even without a Meister for me and before she knew about her powers. This is going to have to end one way and one way only.

'Akiko I know this is going to be a stand still so I will give you two options.'
"Alright we'll play your way sis what's your wager?"
'You can either give up or you and I can go hand to hand combat.'
"Arisu are you crazy Akiko will demolish you."
"I will not leave and I know you're aware so lets get this over with."
'No pulling tricks alright.'
"Fine. Your way remember?"

Mizuki loosens her grip allowing me to transform into my human form and Akiko allows her to exit the ring of black flames. We round each other in the circle until she makes the first moving nicking me on the shoulder and I punching her straight in the stomach making her cough up blood. She whips her mouth and kicks out her leg knocking me off balance causing me to fall on my butt. I crawl back up aiming for the fold of her arm missing it by seconds she elbows my back and I fall flat on my stomach, the shock in my throat burns as I choke on my breath. With determination I get back up and kick my foot on her stomach again only I kick her so hard she tumbles backwards her back grazing the flames of her own creation. A searing pain runs through her body she screams curling up into a ball her knees hugging her chest I take the chance to walk up to her.

"Finish me what are you waiting for" she shouts.
"I'm not waiting for anything I know you're not trying your hardest."
"I am now finish me as your older sibling I'm telling you to finish the game."

I break out in tears and run threw the scorching flames falling out of the ring crying. Akiko stands up and the flames disappear in a blink of an eye. She reaches a hand out and I take it, pulling me off my feet she pulls me into a hug. I jump at her action, but fall for it returning the hug. A cold blade goes threw my skin as I shove mine threw her stomach. I smile and burst out laughing as Mizuki catches me. Akiko gasps for air as her lungs fill with blood, she collapses to the ground just after Mizuki rips me to the side cutting a deep gash in her stomach.

'I guess we had the same idea big sis.'
"You, you tricked me you said no tricks."
'I guess I get it from you then.'
"How could you?"
'It's over Akiko I win I can't protect you anymore. Akiko the seasons and cursing witch, your soul is mine.'

Mizuki brings the blade of my scythe around her one more time and she vanishes. A purple soul with an imprint of a leaf floats in front of Mizuki and I. Mizuki lets me go as I transform again, I reach out to grab her soul and I stuff it into a small jar I was carrying that I dropped off at the door earlier. Everyone stares at me with a confused look on their faces making me laugh a little. I walk away towards the apartment and stop when I hear footsteps behind me. Soul and Mizuki! They catch up to me and ask me a bunch of question about me and I gladly answered them. They were shock at most of them and weren't at some others, but the one that frightened them both was the story of Ryuu my first Meister and about Akiko being my sister. Mizuki left to go hang out with Maka and Soul said he would stay with me. We walk into my flat and I kiss him gently, but he kisses me harder than what I expected. A smile appears on my face as I set Akiko's soul down and continue kissing Soul passionately and letting him lead as we kiss.

How was the ending? Did you expect everything? What is going to happen to Akiko's soul?

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