Simply me

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I walk up to the DWMA (Death's Weapon and Meister Academy), the building is perfectly symmetrical  in every way. As I walk toward the main entrance I hear a voice "YAAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from above. A young boy with spiky blue jumps off the top of the building and lands right in front of me. Now that he's closer up I can see more detail, he has a white star on his right shoulder meaning he must be from the Star clan and he wields a Shadow weapon in hand. I continue walking trying to ignore him but he stays in my way until I stop, I look up and he smiles like he knows somethings up.

"My name is Black Star. I'll surpass the power of the gods."
"Yeah, hey can you show me the way to Death's room?"
"Are you kidding that's Kid's job go find him."
"Then can you tell me where Kid would be?"
"Yeah he isn't here yet but, he should be a few minutes away you can just wait here. He's probably expecting you then."
"Alright thanks, Black Star."
"No problem new kid."

As I wait I think of who I'm meeting exactly, I play with myself changing into my weapon form and cut things in half from  
boredom waiting for Kid. A young boy probably the same age as Black Star and I comes walking up the stairs with two girls. I transform my arm back into  normal and sit down acting perfectly normal. He has short black hair with three white lines on one side and he's wearing a symmetrical black and white outfit with a tie held by a skull. The girls on his side look very similar obviously one is older than the other, the taller girl wears pants and a red crop top with boots and the shorter girl wears shorts a red crop top and boots as well. They all walk perfectly in sink, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot back and forth all at the same time. The three of them stop right in front of me, I stand up and they stare at me, the boy I'm assuming is Kid and he looks at me up and down but, I have no clue what he's looking for.

"Hello, Nice to met you I'm Death the kid but, you can call me Kid and these are my weapons Liz and Patty."
"Hi" the shorter girl says "I'm Patty."
"I'm Liz" the taller girl says.
"Well it's nice to met you three I'm Arisu Heart and I'm a Death scythe."
"Alright then Arisu, I should get you to my father's room now so you can sign in. Follow me, Liz, Patty you know what to do."

We all walk into the school and the girls run off in a different direction then Kid and I. The hallways are all perfectly set up the same, we get to a door that leads into a room with a sandy path that has red wooden beams holding blades up above. A black figure stands in front of a mirror watching something on it, the figure turns around and I see that it's face is a skull like mask that looks like the one Kid has around his tie. Kid looks at me and nods his head saying that it's okay. He walks up the steps and talks to the black figure with a skull mask all I see are head nods and lips moving no sound. After awhile Kid walks back down the stairs and out of the room leaving the figure and I alone. I walk up the steps and sit on the floor in front of a table with the figure, it pours itself and I a cup of coffee and it begins to speak.

"Yo, sup how's it going I'm Lord Death nice to meet you."
"I'm Arisu Heart and I'm good thanks for asking."
"No problem. So Kid told me you're a weapon is that right?"
"Yes Lord Death, I'm a Death scythe."
"I see, so what brings you to the academy?"
"I would like to stay here and learn, maybe get a mister that'd be helpful."
"Well it seems you and Soul will get along just fine and it seems Kid's taking a liking to you as well."
"Well I guess it might be easier making friends then I thought."
"So thanks for coming Kid is waiting outside, you should get going."
"Alright bye see you later."

I walk the same path I did when I came in and find Kid outside waiting for me just like Death said. He begins walking in the direction Liz and Patty went earlier but, he doesn't look they way he did before he talked with Death. Kid seems ticked like something happened while he was out here. We continued walking in silence 'till we paused in front of a class that was going on, the teacher was tall and slim his hair was silver gray and a screw attached to his head, wearing pants, glasses and a lab coat. The man turned around feeling our presence in the room, his face had stitches all over it and his smile was gleeful with disbelief of how late we are. We glance at each other and the man hops off his chair and walks up to us, his hand out reached toward mine I hesitantly grab it and shake his hand.

"Hello glad you two could make it Kid please take your seat."

Kid walks to his seat eight rows up from the teacher's desk. I stand still the man sits back in his chair and faces me.

"Well you must be Arisu I'm Stien it's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you to Stien."
"Arisu you can go sit by the boy with white hair and the girl with thin pigtails, alright?"
"Mmk thanks."

I walk toward the ninth row and sit between the girl with thin pigtails and a girl with a long black ponytail. The girl on my left has thin blonde pigtails, a plaid skirt, a long black tailed coat and white gloves, her paper says Maka Albarn so that must be her name. The girl on my right has a long black ponytail, a tan dress with a yellow star on her chest, her paper says Tsubaki Nakatsukasa so that must be her name that makes things easy. A paper just like theirs lies in front of me, I grab a pencil from my pocket and write my name Arisu (Alice) Heart, nice and neat. Both girls look at my paper and smile at me, their smiles are as bright and cheerful as they look to be. After class I run in to a group of kids that include Maka, Tsubaki, Patty, Kid, Liz, Black Star and two others I don't know, they stop and Kid motions me to come and meet everyone.

"Hey, Arisu this is the gang."
"Hey I'm Arisu nice to meet you all."
"Well this is Black Star and Tsubaki" pointing to the kid I meet earlier and the girl I sit next to "this is Soul and Maka" pointing to the pigtailed girl and the boy with white hair "and this is Crona and Ragnarok" pointing to who I think is a girl with pink hair and and some weird black thing on her back " oh and Crona is a guy just for an fyi."
"Mmk hey everyone. I'm going to go to my apartment now get unpacked and everything you know that stuff."
"Well alright" Kid says "See you later, come to the woods outback later you can show everyone what you got."
"Oh yeah sure. See you then."

I walk off toward an apartment building and leave everyone waiting at the school.

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