My Dark Secret

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I walk to the apartment where everyone else stays as well and go up to the third floor, I have trouble opening the lock for a while, but I finally open it. The room is dark and empty, I carry my stuff next to the dresser and set it down. My body aches from the walk over here although it's only a mile and a half from the school I still hurt. It's about four by now and Kid told me to go to the woods out back of the school around five giving me time to unpack and figure out this place before I have to go. I look in the mirror my white hair parts in the middle with bangs framing my soft pale face and haunting yellow eyes, my black jacket grips my figure showing that I'm tall and thin. My reflection smiles at me, but I just glare at it wondering why it smiles at a time like this so I move away from the mirror and my reflection finally stops smiling and begins to tear up. It's tears are soft and pale blue glowing from the the light on my phone, I check the time 4:36pm, I should hurry and get to the others I bid my reflection far well and slam the door behind me. I start at a jogging pace from the apartment, but realize I have to go faster if I want to get there on time so I climb up the ladder of someone's house and run the rooftops knowing I can get anywhere fast this way. Jumping each long gap with a long running stride I make it in the woods by 4:58pm, perfect I think and just as I jump from the tree I'm on I see everyone walking in.

"Hey, Arisu" Maka says "how did you get here so fast?"
"Umm" oh crap didn't think about that "I guess I'm a fast walker you know didn't want to be late."
"Oh yeah I get it, Kid and the others should be here soon."

Maka sits down by the tree I hopped out of and pulls out a book, I sit next to her and play around with the flowers growing down by our feet. A young boy with white hair comes walking up he must be Soul and he sits down by Maka wrapping his arm around her. She looks up at him and smiles brightly her cheeks deeply red. Soul looks over at me and smiles his teeth pointed and sharp, I smile back just like his teeth mine are pointed and sharp, he stops his bright red eyes widen looking confused like I did something weird. By the time his eyes stop giving me that look the others arrive Black Star and Tsubaki come next, then Crona yelling at Ragnarok and last, but not least Liz and Patty dragging Kid behind them. Around 5;15pm everyone finally came we all sit down in a circle Soul Maka and I previously sitting to my left and everyone else rounding on both sides. Maka sets her book in her lap and removes Soul's arm still bright red, everyone is quiet for a while 'till Kid sneezes and everyone jumps.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you guys."
"It's fine" Liz and Patty say "Jinks."
"So....." Kid says "Are you going to show them or did we all come here to be devoured by mosquitoes?"
"Alright fine give me a second" I say.
"What is she showing us exactly" the others question.
"Well" Kid says "Arisu is a weapon so I thought it'd be cool if you guys saw her weapon form."

Everyone nods in agreement and thinks it's a good idea, they all start clapping and smiling except Soul. His face is covered in fear, his cheeks look pale like he's ill. He jumps up and runs off into the wooded area where we can't see him anymore. Maka looks up and stares at me looking like I killed her cat or something. Just like Soul she runs off, but in the opposite direction toward the apartments and Tsubaki goes after her to go get her. I sigh and sit back down.

"It's alright Arisu" Black Star yells "Maka's a downer and Soul, well I don't know what Soul's problem is but he'll be fine."
"No this is my fault, I'm going to go look for him."

And with that I run off in the direction Soul did. Everyone stays seated and beings a conversation with one another. I run in the same direction I watched Soul run in until I couldn't see him anymore and go by instinct. I erase my breath and dissolve within the shadows, I close my eyes and try to feel anyone presence, I hear his heart pounding and his breathing heavily escapes his lips. He's resting against a tree not that far away almost on the other side of the woods close to an exit. I walk quietly towards him so he doesn't run, I stay behind the tree that he stands in front of and change my arm into a scythe, the blade shines in the moonlight it's around 6:35pm now and everyone has probably left. My hand grasp the tree and I bring my scythe around to his throat to make sure he can't leave, I feel him jump because I startled him. He looks behind directly at me and I smile, my yellow eyes gleaming in the shadows, I feel him shaking his skin crawling, trembling in fear and I love the feel of someone's fear against the cool surface of my blade.

"Hey Soul why did you run off?"
He's still shaking, barely moving a muscle.
"What do you want Arisu, what could I possibly give you?"
"You didn't answer my question, why did you run off? I came to find you because you made Maka cry and the Tsubaki ran off to get her."
"Really? I didn't mean to upset anyone I'm sorry."
"I really want to know why you ran off though Soul."
"I haven't seen anyone like me before I've been the only scythe in the academy for a whole year now and then you show up. I knew you were a death scythe the moment I saw you, your white hair, yellow eyes and then your teeth it all adds up. Arisu can I ask you something?"
"Sure Soul what is it."
"Where did you come from?"

I pause I can feel myself tremble now that question I haven't ever had to answer that question ever not ever and now the time has come. I change my arm back to normal and lock my arm around Soul's neck to sit him down next to me. He grabs my arm and pulls it off his neck gasping for air, I guess I held on a bit to tight.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hold on to tight words aren't really my thing."
"That's alright but I need to know where you're from you seem so familiar to me."
"Umm well I don't really know to be honest, I've always been moving since I was eight. I'm sixteen now and only came here because my partner became ill and died and I didn't desire death so I came here in hopes to find a new mister."
"Oh sorry about that then."
"It's fine Lord Death said we'd have a lot in common, but I didn't think I'd find another scythe either."
"Oh okay well I guess we should get back then shouldn't we?"
"Yeah I guess your right it's almost seven by now."
"Hey lets go this way it's faster."

We walk in the opposite direction we came into the woods and in less than twentyfive minutes we reach the apartment. Sitting on the steps we find Maka and Tsubaki talking about something until they notice us walking toward them. Maka looks up her eyes bloodshot from all the crying and her cheeks wet. She stands up and Tsubaki and her walk inside the building, I give Soul a look and he shrugs his shoulders trying to play it off cool, but I can feel his heart racing and his breathing speed up knowing he's in so much trouble. We walk into the building and part separate ways I walk up to the third floor and stare back into the mirror my reflection blushes brightly and I shake my head at it. My reflection is myself showing the feelings I choose to hide from others and I get to live with it's mockery and it also tells the story of my mister.
A year ago before my mister feel 'ill' we got in an argument about where we should go next , he was stubborn a thief and a liar. One evening I was waiting for him to come home and I peered out the window to see him with another scythe fighting a kishin. I became jealous and my reflection felt that I didn't like that feeling, but it wouldn't keep it so I was stuck with it burning inside me. Weeks went by before I snapped on my partner, we were in the middle of a fight when I had an idea that I would turn back into my human form and run, but I didn't. That night I changed my arm into a scythe and killed him, I grabbed the soul and put it in a jar because I wasn't going to eat it and I wasn't going to let a kishin eat it. I love my mister, but he was an awful person and he deserved what he got in the end. My reflection stopped the memory and I feel backwards onto my bed, blacking out.

Anyone have any ideas what Maka will do to Soul?
Think Arisu is still hiding something? Find out in chapter 3

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