Too Many Choices

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I wake up hot and sweaty, reaching to pull the covers off and seeing I haven't been covered up with them. Trying to find the source of the heat I look over to my side seeing a shirtless Soul and come to think of it if he's shirtless..... I look down at myself and find that I'm missing my shirt as well not only that, but I wasn't wearing a bra when I went to sleep either. What happened last night and why are we shirtless? Holy crap what did I do? I look back at Soul his chest beating up and down in rhythm with his breathing. Slowly I get out of bed and tip toe to my mirror looking at my reflection. Touching a small button on the side I replay my memory from last night.

(Last night's memory *skipped to after lying on Soul's chest*)

I lay on Soul's chest trying to fall asleep, but the fabric keeps moving and keeping my face warm, I don't like the heat and it's already hot in the room. My breathing falls heavily as Soul's mixes with mine his falls against mine and onto us as well. His eyes find mine and I smile my cheeks rosy red and his beating red. Our lips gently touch as I remove his shirt breaking only to get it over his head and coming straight back together. Only to be fair he starts to remove mine, but I stop him blushing even brighter.

"Hey! I'm not even wearing a bra isn't that fair."
"I'm not wearing one either" he jokes.
"That's not funny Soul I'm serious."
"So am I. If I'm shirtless it's only fair you are plus I'm a lot cooler so maybe you'll be too."

I lift my arms up allowing him to take my shirt off and he does without hesitation, I become a little cooler he was right about one thing. Once again our lips touch causing the heat to rise again and making us hot. He kisses my stomach and starts to trail upward making me laugh at the soft touch. I run my hands through his messy white hair as he reaches my lips and slips his tongue inside. Moans escape my lips as he traces the side of my neck with his tongue, sucking on my collarbone. He throws his legs on either side of me and I pull him closer to me, listening to his heart race along with mine. Grinning devilishly with those shark like teeth, he blinks and looks down; a velvet red blush painted a crossed each others faces...

The memory is interrupted by a sudden and rather loud knock at the door, I walk over and unlock slowly opening the door to find Tsubaki, Maka and Mizuki standing outside the door. Spacing out that my top half is completely bare and have a shirtless Soul in bed I peek my head through the crack of the door. They all look at me and the door in between us dumbly like it will forever separate us if I don't open it wider. My eyes look at them then down at myself and back up again blushing.

"Hey Arisu" Maka say "Want to hang out with us Liz and Patty are downstairs ready to go we just thought we'd ask if you wanted to come with."
"Mm yeah sure that sounds fun let me get dressed so we can go okay."
"Sure thing" Tsubaki chimes in.
"Okay I'll be out in a minute."

I close the door and panic running around the room trying to find clothes to put on. Running around in circles I end up stubbing my toe on the leg of the bed and the dresser leg. My reflection strangles a scream and wakes Soul up with a groan, who looks up and blushes. He gets up and looks for his shirt while I run around still looking for some clothes forgetting where I put them. He taps on my shoulder and I turn around to look at him, he kisses my forehead and hands me my pajama top from last night. I gladly take it and slip it over my head to cover myself up. Once again I'm running around again trying to remember where my clothes were put. Opening the dresser I pull some clothes out and walk into the bathroom. Why couldn't I remember such a simple thing? I thrown black shorts on, a strapless poka-dot shirt and laced up my blue and black boots.

"Hey Soul since you're awake I'm going to hang out with the girls today if you want you could hang with the guys or grab your things and do whatever you need to do here and at Makas' and yours'."
"Sure Arisu, that's sounds like a plan see you later. Hey it's Saturday right?"
"Yeah that's why everyone is hanging out and Soul we don't have school this week remember it's our free week so Kid's having a party."
"Alright that's Wednesday or Tuesday?"
"Tomorrow 'till Tuesday."
"Okay bye."

Soul gently places a passionate kiss on my lips before I go and it leaves me wanting more. I walk out the door, waving goodbye and walk down the stairs to meet the girls. They stand in a group talking about Kid's party tomorrow night. I walk up and they all look over at me and smile bringing me into their little group hugging me. This is going to be hard to choose, either way it will end in chaos and destruction for both sides.

"Hey Arisu, what's up" Liz ask.
"Nothing... the sky."
"Yes I know, how have you been?"
"Good, hot, sweaty, tired."
"Sounds like you got your work cut out for you tomorrow."
"Yeah so what are we doing exactly?"
"Oh Liz can I tell her" Patty squeals.
"Sure" Liz states.
"So Liz and Mizuki were messing around in the basement of the DWMA and found a weird passage way leading outside Death city and we wanted to explore it."
"And those two are okay with it as well" I question, pointing to Maka and Tsubaki.
"Well that's the thing, if you come we thought you could get them on board with us" Mizuki explains.
"Yeah I think I'm with them on this, it doesn't sound like a good idea."
"Arisu if I'm going you have to come with" Mizuki states.
"Crap why is my Meister so daring. Fine I'll go if Tsubaki comes."
"Mmm" Tsubaki mumbles "Maka has to go if I go."
"Fine we're all going lets get moving before someone sees."

We all walked up the steps that we walk everyday that take so long to walk up unless you know a way to get up faster and we all have our ways. After we get up the stairs Liz and Patty walk into a door that leads to the underground hallways. Mizuki follows then I go with Tsubaki and Maka behind me not the best idea, but it's fine. The hallways are dark and damp so we stop and try to think of a way to light up the halls, when a dim light comes from afar in the hallway. Who can light things on their own think Arisu think. Jackie and Kim! From Professor Stein's demonstration earlier this month. Jackie is Kim's lantern.

"Hello is anyone down here" Kim calls.
'What should we do' I whisper.
'Don't say anything if they find us we'll get in trouble' Liz whispers back

We stay put, waiting for Kim and Jackie to leave before we continue on our 'mission'. After they leave we get up and keep walking following Liz and Mizuki. They stop in front of a small door and when they open it, light pours through from a desert like scenery and a building in the distance. I know that building, The SfW Crap! I stop as the girls crawl into the door one by one trying to push me in. I can't go there I can't. Maka topples me over, pulls me in with her and closes the door behind us. We stand in front of the school as the bell rings which dismisses witches of all ages; piling out of the building, but ignore us, it's likely they can't see us and that's probably a good thing. A small witch comes out and is picked up by a tall slim man carrying a box of swords on his back. Angelia and Mifune! The swordsman looks over in our direction and starts walking towards us. I start to panic; Why can he see us and no one else? Can Angelia see us? As I ask these questions another person comes out of the school and starts walking towards the Mifune, Angelia, the girls and I. It can't be no not her anyone, but her. The women gets closer as well as Mifune and Angelia. The girls haven't even looked at the third person coming from the school they're trying to get the door open still. I can't believe she found me and it's all because of this stupid 'adventure' in the DWMA's basement. I walk towards the door and smash it in the girls and I run into it and close it behind us; I collapse in front of them, everything goes black, my heart race stays steady, but my breathing slows down.

"Arisu, Arisu!"

The last things I hear are my name, someone screaming and two pairs of footsteps racing down the stairs towards us trying to figure out what's wrong. She's coming Lord Death and she's stronger than you know, someone help me she's bringing someone with her. I have to chose now and I know what I chose I can't abandon my friends I just can't.

Who is 'she' and who is she bringing with her that's stronger? Why does Death have a door that leads to The SfW? Why can't Arisu be there at the SfW? Is she still hiding something from everyone?

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