Mysteries, Lies & Secrets

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(This picture is of the newbie Mizuki Tottori, Mister and Oracle. If you're wondering Mizuki means 'beautiful moon.')

After school everyone splits off into different directions, but Soul and I stay together and walk back to the apartment seeming it's the only place Maka hasn't messed with me yet. I open the door to see another note attached to the frame. Quickly I snatch it before Soul can see it and walk in sighing. I rest my head in my hands heavily breathing about this mess, it's too much for me to handle on my own. Mumbling to myself I decide I should let Soul know I mean it's his partner and he should be able to reason with her. I pick up the little pieces of courage scattered inside me and tap on Soul's shoulder.

"Yeah what's up Arisu?"
"S-soul can I tell you something?"
"Umm.... Say this girl is picking on me and leaving me notes and she's a friends of yours. Could I trust you to reason with her or at least calm her down a bit and assure her nothings happening?"
"Is this about Maka, Arisu trust me if she's as mad as you're putting there's no calming her down especially if her dad gets involved. Just try and let it blow by okay?"
"Alright, but if you see her talk to her please."
"Fine sure."

After my talk with Soul I get ready for bed it's around seven or eight and I usually go to bed at nine. Soul can't know about this meeting with Maka, so I'll have to take care of it on myself, Weapon against an angry Meister. I throw on my purple and black splashed pajamas and brush my teeth while Soul waits. He steps in and we switch places him getting ready and me waiting. I pull the covers around me and close my eyes figuring Soul would turn the lights off after he was done. Before the lights are even out mine go out, I close my eyes and fall asleep remembering that around eleven I'll have to be up and at the river. I feel a warm figure hop on the bed and steal some of the blankets tossing around like it's uncomfortable, but eventually stopping to sleep peacefully. Around eleven a faint ringing begins, I get up to turn it off and look at the time 10:30 pm. I should get going not even bothering to change I slide out of bed and look at Soul lying silently in bed like a child having a dream about something happy making me smile. Grabbing my boots to slip them on and quietly shutting the door I leave to go meet Maka. I climb up the ladder and start jumping the rooftops again it's just my thing, but I feel another soul present plus I didn't read that note. I stop hoping the presence left and pull out the note from earlier.

'Dear, Arisu notes are our thing right now so I hope you like reading. I already told you to be at the river by eleven so don't be late. I also have someone watching you so don't worry and don't bring anyone with you this person watching you is a friend of mine and they wouldn't lie to me. As well they know your secrets and hope you play nice with others when you're angry now. I'm always watching Arisu Heart beware. Don't tell Soul I'll know if he knows or if you told him even if you try to hide the fact of it.

With that I start running again trying to feel comfortable with the person following me and the fact that Maka sent them or that they're friends with her and I don't know them. I keep running at a fast pace 'till I get to the river where I see Maka standing on the bridge with another person I can't see fully yet. She turns around and laughs while blood leaks from the person next to her. Fear rises within me, but I know I can push this feeling away into my reflection although I run the chance of waking Soul with it's screams. But I can't let that bother me now and I don't want to show weakens in front of her. Looking at the ground I can feel her stare at me, no not at me at my soul, at my thoughts. She probably knows, but just in case I'll play it 'cool' and not bring it up.

"H-hey M-maka...."
"Hey Arisu come sit by us, don't be scared."
"So how's Soul?"
"That's good now about you I think you'll be less than fine."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Well let me explain. See I'm Soul's Meister correct and as partner we have to be able to work together and get along. When you came along before he even saw you his soul wavelengths got all screwy and I could feel his soul tremble in fear and curiosity. That's not it though" she sighed. "Soul is a death scythe and already that makes him a capable weapon of strenght and power, but something was wrong he felt tired and was lacking in energy it startled me because we hadn't even started anything yet. Things started out odd because of someone I've never met and everybody get there and get's that way. You weren't the only new person though yet I already knew this person as Mizuki Tottori a Meister and oracle. She felt the same thing I did and went to investigate, but she needed a prop so I asked Kid to find you and she looked through his eyes to gather information you see" taking a deep breath I knew she was going to start again.
"How is this my fault?"
"I never said it was this is simply me telling you to watch your back okay."
"Fine is this it?"
"No one more thing. If you want I would like to fight you."
"One more thing I want to know about the mirror and your reflection."

Will Arisu tell Maka? Who will win the fight? What role is Mizuki playing?

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