My Choice

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I wake up in the Infirmary with Nygus wrapping some bandages around my leg and ankle. My head feels like I went in a factory without earplugs and there's a faint ringing in my ears. I rest my head on my hands and rub my temples to stop the pain. Another presence steps into the room and I turn to look at who it is. Akiko? It can't be, but it looks like her and she walks like her. The women begin to talk and I try to listen, but I can't hear anything all I hear is that stupid ringing. They look towards me then back at each other and continue talking about something. As they talk someone else comes in the room. Mizuki and Soul! The two sit down next to me one on each side and start talking to me I think, again I can't hear anything. Soul tilts his head and stops talking, he looks at me confused as Mizuki realizes Soul stopped talking she does the same looking at me in the same way. I mouth the words 'I can't hear you guys.' and once again they look at me trying to read my lips. Nygus hands me a pad of paper and a marker to write with.

'What were you two talking about? I can't hear anything because of a ringing sound in my ears.'

Soul takes the pad and marker and begins writing on another page taking up the whole space then handing it to Mizuki who writes on a separate page as well. They hand it back to me and I begin reading the words.

'Mizuki told me you and the girls went into the basement and found a door that went to the SfW. When the bell rang and let the witches out they didn't pay attention to you girls. Then she said you saw Mifune and Angelia looking at you she said another witch came toward you girls and you started breathing faster. They were trying to get the door open when they noticed all three of them coming toward everyone and then she said you broke the door open closing behind everyone when you got in. She said you collapsed and they screamed, Kim and Jackie came down when they heard screaming and took you up here.'

'Like Soul wrote after we went in you weren't to good you started hyperventilating after you saw Mifune and Angelia. Then when that other witch came you basically fell apart and slammed the door in then placing it back when we got in. You collapsed and I think it was Tsubaki who screamed making Kim and Jackie to run down to take you up here so Nygus could fix you up.'

I nod my head to say that I understand and that I appreciate what they did for me. My head starts to feel like it's burning I drop the marker and pad whacking my head with my hands and holding on tight making my hands turn white. Soul and Mizuki grab Nygus who's still talking to who I think is Akiko. She makes Soul and Mizuki grab my hands so I don't put them on my head or anywhere else. Nygus places an ice solution on my head and legs, I relax lying back down and I start to fall asleep. Mizuki and Soul let my arms go and stay seated by me for a while longer I think Nygus makes them and Akiko leave after a while because I only feel one soul while I sleep. When I wake up the room is completely empty no one is in here just me. I look around and see nothing is hooked up to me so I get up and through my clothes back on. The hallways are empty as well not even a faint echo fills the hall. Freaking out now I frantically run around the school looking for anyone I don't care who just someone. Then I get an idea The Death room. I run up to the door and pull it open with all my strength. Lord Death stands in front of the mirror watching the pictures on it along side him is Spirit, Maka's father and Lord Death's current death scythe, and Pro. Stein with Mrs. Marie. Another woman in front of a table scattered with papers, graphing sheets and pencils yells at Spirit and Stein for doing what they do best. She has choppy black hair, blue eyes, glasses and wears a black business shirt with frills at the bottom and black pants.

"Lord Death she's almost here" Stein shouts.
"I'm aware."
"Can you feel her Arisu?"

Everyone stop and looks towards me, I tense up and nod my head at Stein. How could he know I'm here? Is he like Maka and I? The people look away and get back to their task. I walk up to Death, Spirit, Stein and Mrs. Marie who all look worried. The mirror Death looks at all the time shows Meisters and Weapons lining the stairs of the DWMA. Their faces show a mix of fear, anger and confidence they look prepared for something. Lord Death turns around and faces me along with Stein. I look at the floor trying not to look in their eyes, but I feel them looking at me. My eyes find theirs and they're enraged anger and disappointment fill their eyes, they're looking right at me. My head falls and I know I'm in for the worst, but it will have to wait. Death points his finger at the woman from earlier and then at me.

" Azusa take Arisu to Mizuki."
"Yes Lord Death."

Azusa takes me out of The Death room and into another room not far from it. Mizuki sits in a small wooden chair with her head in her lap. When she hears our footsteps her head jolts up. She runs up to me and gives me a great big hug knocking the air out of me. I change into my weapon form and she catches me in her hand perfectly. We thank Azusa and run out towards the main entrance standing between Maka and Black Star. I look out into the distance to see who we're up against and see.... Akiko and Medusa! No way we can't how could Lord Death put us in this situation let alone think of it. Mizuki grips my handle tighter she knows what we're up against almost as well as I do. I know I picked the right choice. Staying with the DWMA is the right thing to do. I will stay here if I have to fight without a Meister, even if I'm the last one standing I will stay. Mizuki's grip on me is still tight as we wait for the witches to come towards us, they haven't even made it in Death city so there could be more witches with them.

Are we still missing a piece of the puzzle? Why is Arisu so determined to stay in DWMA? Will someone lose their soul? Is there going to be a war? Who will win?

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