Chapter 9 - Hide and Seek

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Avery woke up feeling hot and realised she was sweating. Sitting up, Avery realised she must've gone to sleep as she was in her night shift. However, Avery looked up at her bed - she was on the floor! Her bed was a mess, the sheets and pillows were everywhere. The 'Enchanted' box caught Avery's eye and she smiled when images of Dylan flew through her head. Snapping herself out of her trance, Avery picked up the box and put it back underneath her bed. On the floor, next to the box was the two antidotes that Clarissa and Dylan had given her. She placed them in a drawer in her vanity table. There was a knock on her door and Avery ran to her bed quickly. She slipped on the sheet that was half on the floor and half on her bed and Avery fell face first into the stone cold floor.

Henrietta walked in and saw Avery on the floor. She let out a laugh working out what had happened, as she walked over to help her up.

"Princess, are you okay? And why does your bed look like there was an explosion in here?" Henrietta said through laughs.

Olivia walked in afterwards and her mouth was open in shock.

"Sleeping rough?" She said as she went over to the mess on the floor and picked up some of the pillows and threw them onto the bed. 

"Yeah, I was having nightmares. And you were in them," Avery said sarcastically. Olivia glared at her through squinted eyes. Avery smiled. Despite everything that was happening, Avery was glad she had her friendship with Henrietta and Olivia. 

Henrietta looked at the bed and put her hands on her hips tutting to her self.

"This can take a while. Olivia, you start off here and clean up the room. I'll draw you a hot bath. You can help her Princess, as it is your mess," Henrietta said as she picked up another pillow that was on the floor but it was closer to under the bed. Avery began to panic. What if Henrietta saw the box? Henrietta got back up and had only the pillow in her hands. Avery let out a sigh of relief which made Olivia look at her, and frown.

"Right, quick quick! We haven't got all day," Henrietta said as she walked out of the room. She closed the grand old door after her and Avery was left with just Olivia and her disgrace of a bed. 

"I still do not understand how you did this," Olivia said as she picked up the sheet. Avery went and cleared the bed of all the pillows so it was easier to place the sheet. Olivia did the main bed and Avery fixed the pillows.

By the time they were done, Henrietta came back with a towel and escorted Avery to the washroom. The room was cleaner and Henrietta smiled at Avery before heading to the washroom door.

"Just call me if you need anything," Henrietta smiled and she closed the door after her. Avery smiled and walked over to the water basin that had the hot water in it. Avery was about to put her hand into the water to check the temperature but she suddenly jerked it back. She hadn't taken the antidote! It was still in her room and Olivia would still be in there either taking her clothes out or cleaning her room. Avery had to go get it yet she still had to avoid Olivia and Henrietta who would either be standing outside the washroom or in Avery's room helping Olivia. Avery decided to duck and dive as she had to get the antidote. 

Firstly, Avery put her ear next to the door to see if she could hear any movement. When all was quite , Avery slowly turned the handle of the door and as it unlocked it made a loud noise that echoed through the washroom and Avery guessed the hallway. Slowly opening the loud, creaking door, Avery popped her head put to see if anybody was there she couldn't see anything or anyone. Her room was a reasonable walk but guards were patrolling the entire castle inside and out. Avery stepped out of the washroom and closed the door so people knew someone was in there. Avery quickly yet quietly ran to her room. The castle felt unreasonably cold and as Avery almost arrived at her room, she heard voices coming from behind her. They were echoing so they were in the distant but they were coming her way. Avery panicked as there was no-where to hide. Avery looked everywhere but there was nothing. Avery was desperate. She couldn't risk getting caught when she had to be bathing and answer so many questions as to why she wasn't . Avery leaned on a wall although she thought it was. It was a pillar that held up a arch that was used to display suits of armour in. Climbing into a suit of armour would take too long and would be noisy. Avery didn't think but quickly climbed the pillar and went up to the arch. She was very high and she hated heights, although in Enchanted, she seemed to have overcome the fear. A curtain of fabric hung over the arch and Avery used this to cover herself up but she left a little peephole. Now she had to wait until the coast was clear...

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